Embark upon a magickal journey exploring the world of the witch,
Doing powerful magick and living deliciously in sync with the rhythms of Nature.
Craft your very own unique, meaningful, and fun sabbat year!

The energies of each sabbat are particularly powerful because they are driven by the Sun.

In magick and astrology, the Sun is all about you and your success in every aspect of your life.

Capitalize on the powerful astronomical events the sabbats are, doing potent magickal, energy and healing work, while enjoying fun seasonal activities and celebrations on your own, or with others!  

SABBATS—Days of Celebration, Power & Magick for the Eclectic Witch

In 'THE WITCH'S YEAR' You Will...
~Create a bespoke 'wheel of the year' sabbat practice that deeply resonates with you through the lens of Eclectic Witchcraft
~Incorporate the traditions, meaning and intrinsic energies of each sabbat into your Witchcraft practice
~Cast magick spells and do rituals that take advantage of each sabbat's distinctive power (I will coach you through your spells if you have not cast before in our 1-1 sessions, or via email if you are in the Supported Independent Study program)
~Create a witchy lifestyle and framework for your witchcraft practice that is easily sustainable for busy witches, and that centers around the seasons and energies of Nature

In 'THE WITCH'S YEAR' You Will...
~Create a bespoke sabbat practice that deeply resonates with you through the lens of ECLECTIC WITCHCRAFT

~Incorporate the traditions, meaning and intrinsic energies of each sabbat into your Witchcraft practice

~Cast magick spells and do rituals that take advantage of each sabbat's distinctive power (I will coach you through your spells if you have not cast before in our 1-1 sessions, or via email if you are in the Supported Independent Study program)

~Create a witchy lifestyle and framework for your Witchcraft practice that is easily sustainable for busy Witches, and that centers around the seasons and Nature's energies

Study 1-1 with me in this comprehensive 12-MONTH COACHING PROGRAM and create a beautiful, magickal sabbat year!

Or, study on your own in the SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT STUDY Program with optional email correspondence 

The Sabbats are the Witch's holidays--they are our 'holy-days', and are among the most quintessential of all practices in the Craft.

They are a time for celebration, gratitude, ritual and magick. Sabbats can be shared with others, or observed solitary.

(2 OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM: 10 Lesson, 12 Month 1-1 Coaching or Supported Independent Study)


THE WITCH'S YEAR is suitable for the new or intermediate Witch, whether in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Experience with sabbats is not required, only a desire to live in sync with the cycles of Nature, celebrating its gifts and bounty, while learning, growing, healing and manifesting. 

In THE WITCH'S YEAR, you may continue working with your beloved deities, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, elementals, ancestors, 'the Universe', or just 'energy', because your beliefs and the way you practice your Craft is totally up to you.

Embark upon a magickal journey exploring the world of the witch,

Doing powerful magick and living deliciously in sync with the rhythms of Nature.

Craft your very own unique, meaningful, and fun sabbat year!

Celebrate each of the 8 sabbats in the Witch's Sabbat Year, also known as the "Wheel of the Year" in Wicca, through the practices of Eclectic Witchcraft

...more importantly, I am your teacher, coach, and the author of this introductory, yet in-depth course about crafting your very own bespoke sabbat year!

I'm Fiona Duncan

I hold a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and am New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. I am retired as a NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. My professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching and Curriculum Development. I am also a Practical Magician, Reiki Master and a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. I'm not the type to be drawn to witchy 'woo', but rather, I practice and teach Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both 'Art' and 'Science' in equal measure.

 (Please note that I DO NOT teach or practice malefica/black magick)


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


Finally, gain access to the right program (and person!) to guide and support you, so you can blossom into the powerful, sovereign Witch you were born to be. Having personal access to teachers in online courses is a rare thing, and what's more rare, is finding a teacher of the Craft that will actually spend time with you. 

"As a storyteller myself, I loved the way "THE WITCH'S YEAR: Sabbats—Days Of Celebration, Power & Magick For The Eclectic Witch" tells the story of each celebration. In my practice I think it's really important to understand and learn the roots of all my rituals and this course gave me a very clear and detailed picture of the traditions and significance behind the Witch's Sabbat year. I'm also someone who likes to create my own practices and these lessons gave me the space and the tools to create and be imaginative within the Sabbats. After taking the course, I feel organized and ready to embrace each upcoming celebration. And on top of the great materials, Fiona's guidance and support helped me feel confident to embrace my intuition and imagination as a witch."

~ Robin Gow, Author: Ode to My First Car, A Million Quiet Revolutions, Blue Blood, Dear Mothman, Honeysuckle and Our Lady of Perpetual Degeneracy

"I am relatively new to witchcraft, although I've read a of books, dabbled with various practices, and even participated a several public Wiccan sabbats. While I was always interested in the sabbats, I really hadn't been able to figure out a way to do them on my own, and in a way that wasn't totally about the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. I like some parts of Wiccan sabbat practices, but not all. I was thrilled when I found THE WITCH'S YEAR so I enrolled in it immediately. Through it I finally understood what the sabbats actually are, and was able to design a sabbat practice that reflected my interests and my way of doing things. Plus, I totally align with and love its Nature and energy-centric focus. I kept some of the Wiccan aspects of the Wheel of the Year that I do like, but have learned SO much more beyond that framework. I now regularly practice 5 sabbats, not all 8 (who knew you could pick and choose your sabbats!), in a way that deeply enriches my life and witchcraft practice, and that are so fun and enjoyable. I really look forward to these magickal days I've created!"   ~ Sarah F. The Witch's Year graduate

"This was such a wonderful experience in my life journey! Thank you for this knowledge. I have been working on my spells and witchcraft practice, and The Witch’s Year course has helped me tremendously. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! " ~Blessed Be, Jason J. The Witch's Year graduate

"This was such a wonderful experience in my life journey! Thank you for this knowledge. I have been working on my spells and witchcraft practice, and The Witch’s Year course has helped me tremendously. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! " ~Blessed Be, Jason J. The Witch's Year graduate

Our Sabbats are the resurrected and reconstructed agrarian festivals of ancient Celtic, Nordic and Anglo-Saxon cultures. They were introduced to the modern world as 'The Wheel of the Year' through Gerald Gardner and the birth of Wicca in the 1950's, and have evolved into the many diverse sabbat rituals and traditions that we practice today, whether we identify as Wiccan, or not.

The ancients understood that the source of Nature's life-sustaining bounty was directly linked to seasonal change and the growing seasons, and attributed this cycle of life to their deities. From this, the sabbat celebrations and traditions were born.

We continue to practice many of their ancient traditions, however, we now know that seasonal change and the growing seasons that sustain life result from Earth's orbit around the Sun. We are free to continue attributing this to deities, or as 'science' and 'energy', depending upon personal beliefs and how we practice our Craft. 

As modern witches, magicians and pagans, we can honor the traditions of the ancients, but also know the Sabbats are astronomical events relating to the Sun's proximity to the Earth. This positioning not only dictates the seasons and creates our calendar year on a practical level, esoterically, the sabbats are very powerful days for any kind of manifestation, releasing or healing work because magickally and astrologically, the Sun is all about YOU. Therefore, so are the sabbats!

In THE WITCH'S YEAR program, you will craft a bespoke 'wheel of the year' sabbat practice that deeply resonates with you through the lens of Eclectic Witchcraft. In this unique approach to celebrating the 'The Witch's Sabbat Year', you will learn everything you need to create a year of sabbat rituals that speak to who you are as a witch, as well as how to practice them in a framework that makes sense to your own unique witchcraft path.

You will discover the true history of the sabbats, including their origins in ancient Celtic, Norse, and Anglo-Saxon culture, how they were appropriated into the Christian calendar and morphed into their holy days, the sabbats' Wiccan roots in Modern Witchcraft, and the various traditional activities to enjoy for each one. 

I share with you my own personal sabbat practices and discuss the traditions, meaning and intrinsic energies of each. Also included are magick spells and rituals that I created myself that take advantage of each sabbat's distinct power for all kinds of purposes, from banishing to manifesting. You'll even learn all the magickal correspondences for each sabbat!

THE WITCH'S YEAR culminates in the crafting of your very own sabbat year, consisting of ONLY the Sabbats that truly resonate with who you are as an individual and unique Eclectic Witch. That's right--as an Eclectic, you only practice the sabbats that resonate and hold meaning for you. So, whether your personal Witch's Year consists of all 8 sabbats, just 3, or anything in between, you will practice them in a way that is fun, personally meaningful, and filled and purpose.  

Which Will you include in Your Witch's Year?

YULE / THE WINTER SOLSTICE (first day of winter)
Although this day heralds the beginning of winter, at Yule we acknowledge the return of light. The days of autumn have reached their darkest, but come the next day, the Sun begins to shine a bit longer. Daylight hours increase until the Sun reaches its zenith once again at the next Solstice, when the cycle then repeats itself. The Yule Sabbat is a joyful day to celebrate the return of the Sun with fun and merriment. The winter season itself, however, is a time for stillness and turning inward. It is a time to ‘burrow in’ for the winter—to turn inward for reflection, and to heal. It is the fallow season when the Earth is resting, and so should we.
SAMHAIN / HALLOWEEN (final harvest)
It’s time to pull out your broom and your pointy black hat! It is Samhain, and is the ‘Season of the Witch’! Once again, the wheel has turned, and so continues the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Samhain is the death aspect of this sacred cycle. On this night, the veil that separates our world from the realm of the dead has thinned, and allows us the rare opportunity for communication, and quite possibly—visitation, from the other side. Samhain is a time for us to honor and reconnect with our beloved dead and our ancient ancestors. No other day in the Witch’s year is as deeply associated with spirits and the otherworld as this. Samhain and modern day secular Halloween are both rooted in the practices and beliefs of the ancient Celts. 

Beltane is time to celebrate the return of passion, vitality, fun and frivolity; it is a celebration of light with the growing strength of the Sun, and spring in full bloom. This is a joyful time of festivity, love, growth and creativity. The landscape is lavishly painted in every shade of green, and adorned with flowers of every hue. Hibernation has ended for the animals, and it has for us as well! We find ourselves driven to distraction by the verdant new life springing up all around us. Beltane and this season are imbued with particularly robust energy, unlike that of any other time of year. At Beltane, the energy is primed to birth new creation of any kind into our lives.  

OSTARA / THE SPRING EQUINOX (first day of spring)
On Ostara, the hours between night and day are equal. The Sun shines longer with each passing day, as it has now crossed the Celestial Equator. Darkness continues to wane until the Sun reaches its zenith at Midsummer (the Summer Solstice). The energy of this day is about balance—creating it both within ourselves and in our lives. There may still be snow on the ground in regions furthest from the Equator, but Spring is literally in the air, and with it, our anticipation of new life in every sense. Ostara is truly spring’s herald of not only the reawakening Earth, but of our own reawakening, as we begin to part ways with our winter selves and bloom once more. 

Winter still lingers yet we celebrate the light of longer days as we begin to see signs of spring emerge from the Earth. But Imbolc is not just about the new life emerging around us; Imbolc’s regenerative power imbues clarity with new intentions and what we wish to see growing in our lives. Here we focus on healing the pain of the previous year so that we can be free of its shadows. Doing so allows us to move forward with new dreams and ideas. We begin to experience subtle shifts in our energy and newly gained perspectives. The pearls we uncover through this sabbat lift our spirits as we continue to emerge from winter’s quiescent energy, and fuels us for the busy seasons ahead.

MABON / THE AUTUMNAL EQUINOX & WITCH'S THANKSGIVING (first day of autumn and the second harvest)
Summer is now officially over as it the first day of autumn. In areas furthest from the equator, leaves on the trees begin their annual transformation from brilliant shades of emerald to autumnal tones of carnelian, garnet and gold. Nature begins to burst with color as the rich hues of autumn herald winter’s imminent arrival. Those in equatorial regions may not experience this contrast in season as profoundly as their distant neighbors, however, each season, even in the tropics, embodies its own distinctive energies. The hours between light and dark are equal With Mabon, we officially enter ‘the dark half’ of the year. 

LUGHNASADH (first harvest)
The Sun’s power is beginning to wane and we are once again approaching the dark half of the year. We revel in the warmth of these last weeks of summer and the extended daylight hours; we give thanks for the Earth’s bounty and all the abundance in which we are graced. In our modern world, as individuals we are no longer dependent upon the growing seasons like our ancestors were. However, in losing our personal dependence on Nature, we have also lost our intimate, and even our magickal connection to it. As the first harvest celebration of the year, Lughnasadh is the perfect time to reestablish our Divine relationship with Nature, and to give thanks for its many blessings.

Litha is truly the Sun’s day. It has reached its zenith and is at the height of its power. We bask in its golden rays and celebrate Earth’s complete revival. Nature is in full bloom and resonates the energy of fertility, growth and abundance. The esoteric energy of the Sun revolves around all things pertaining to “Self,” making it a perfect day for spell work relating to anything about yourself, especially personal identity and life purpose. On this day, the energy is primed to celebrate communally with others, but is perfect for solitary workings as well. 

Upon enrollment you will have access to the full program--no waiting for lessons to open! Start your WITCH'S YEAR program anytime, whether winter, summer, spring or fall, and begin crafting your sabbat practice starting with the next approaching sabbat, whether you are north or south of the equator. 

Everything you will learn in THE WITCH'S YEAR is derived from my personal Grimoire and Witchcraft practice, and includes projects and activities that will help you create a beautiful, powerful, and fun sabbat year practice that is perfect for you, because it will reflect your own interests, beliefs, and the personal goals you would like to manifest.

What You Get In both
'WITCH'S YEAR' Course Options...


OPEN ENROLLMENT: sign up anytime! 

COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM consisting of 12 MONTHS and 8 LESSONS (1 for each sabbat) OF IN-DEPTH COURSE CONTENT whether you work with me 1-1 or not.

THE 1-1 COACHING PROGRAM: Dive deep into each sabbat as they occur working 1-1 with me over the course of a full Sabbat Year!  If you can't make an appt for any given sabbat during the first year, just let me know and we will do it the next year instead. You have 2 YEARS to complete the 12 month 'Sabbat Year' that you will learn to create in THE WITCH'S YEAR course. We meet for 30 minutes once every 6 weeks over the course of one year for each of the 8 sabbats, plus we will have an introductory 'Meet & Greet' session, totaling (9) 1-1 sessions. 

Prefer to complete the course without monthly 1-1 coaching but want to know that I am still here for you? The SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM option is essentially an email correspondence course. Email me anytime you have a question, want to share a lesson-related story, show me photos of projects and sabbat rituals and celebrations, or for advice about anything related to the course's content. Of course, if flying your broom totally solo is the way you roll, you are free to work the program as you like and not initiate email correspondence. It's totally up to you. 

This ACADEMICALLY STRUCTURED witchcraft course is filled with information, practices and projects that will be your foundation for creating and practicing a powerful, sabbat practice that serves you well, even if you are a brand new witch. With either program option that you choose, the curriculum is the same and features BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PDF LESSONS that look like a magazine with images and places to write, and is conversational in tone to make learning easy; the 150 page book that you build out of this course is your textbook, workbook and notebook, and will become your trusted Grimoire
(witch's book of information) for you to refer to for years to come.

A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM located in The Magickal Path's amazing state-of-the-art online portal where the lessons, assignments, projects and practices that I created for you are available for you to download or read online. 

CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT digital copy emailed to you when you have completed your last 1-1 coaching session with me, or upon request when you complete your independent program. 

TEXT & EMAIL SUPPORT throughout your program. Ask for help with your lessons, or to just say hi and show me the witchy stuff you're up to! 

LIFETIME ACCESS to me. I am still here for you after you've completed all parts of your program and have graduated. Have a quick question or need guidance about anything you've learned in the program? Just ask. After all, graduation doesn't have to mean saying goodbye! 

VALUE: what's the difference between learning through this course and just buying a book on Amazon? As the author and teacher of this course, even if you study independently, I am still here to ask your questions to, and to chat about what you're learning, and hopefully, to develop a warm student-teacher relationship with -- you just can't get that from a book! 

GET A DISCOUNT on my signature WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 program! This WITCH'S YEAR sabbat course is a comprehensive 150 page witchcraft course straight out of my intensive WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 Year and a Day course. It is designed for the new to intermediate Witch who would like to learn how to craft and practice their very own Sabbat Year, diving deep into each sabbat as they occur, over the course of a full Sabbat Year, whereas in WAY OF THE WITCH, THE WITCH'S YEAR is one huge lesson that is treated as one of the regular monthly lessons.

If you enroll in THE WITCH'S YEAR course and decide that you would like to also enroll in WAY OF THE WITCH, you will receive 10% off its full price. Just ask me for your special code after you enroll!  ~OR~ If you are already enrolled in WAY OF THE WITCH 12 Month Coaching Program, and want to experience the sabbats more fully through 1-1 guidance from me for each of the 8 sabbats over the course of the year, you may ask for your 10% discount code for THE WITCH'S YEAR 12 Month Coaching Program. Email me to ask your questions! 

Finally receive the guidance and personal connection you have been yearning for in your Witchcraft studies and practice! 

What sets this program apart from the rest is live, online 1-1 COACHING -- you get to have me all to yourself! From the start, I am there for you throughout throughout your program and during our 9 PRIVATE 1-1 VIDEO SESSIONS every 6 weeks through your choice of Google Meet, FaceTime, or Facebook Messenger. Ask me your questions and discuss how the things you are learning in the course are impacting your life and Craft practice. You also get UNLIMITED TEXT and EMAIL support throughout each month.

NOT SURE YOU CAN STAY ON A REGULAR 6 WEEK SCHEDULE? Not a problem! This program is totally flexible. Just keep me in the loop and let me know what you need from sabbat to sabbat. There is NO HURRY to graduate!  

In both course options, you will learn how to craft a meaningful sabbat practice that capitalizes on the powerful astronomical events in which the sabbats are, doing potent magickal, energy and healing work, while enjoying fun seasonal activities and celebrations.

In the 1-1 coaching option you receive 1-1 instruction and demonstrations, and I will personally help you with your rituals and spells! 

OPTION I. The WAY OF THE WITCH 1-1 Coaching Program With Fiona


Choose The Option That Suits Your Personal Learning Style

Want to work the course completely on your own and at your own pace, but still know that I am here for you through email anytime? You can!

This option is the SAME COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM that is in OPTION I, which is filled with information, practices and projects that will be your foundation for creating and practicing a powerful Eclectic Witchcraft sabbat practice that serves you well, even if you are a brand new witch! Through it, you will create a comprehensive magickal sabbat Grimoire with your course PDFs.

The main difference in this 'Supported Independent Study' and OPTION 1 is, instead of having (9) 1-1 Coaching and Q&A Sessions, you will work on your lessons totally solo, entirely at your own pace.

You also get CONTINUED PERSONALIZED SUPPORT and may reach out to me anytime via email if you have questions about anything in a lesson, if you can't figure out how to do something you are learning, or if you have some exciting witchy breakthrough news or photos of assignments to share! So even though this is the Independent Study course option, you are never totally on your own if you don't want to be. 

The Supported Independent Study with Email course is TRANSFERABLE TO OPTION I if at any time you decide that you would rather continue your program having 1-1 sessions with me instead of working independently with email support. Let me know and I will email you a special prorated link to enroll through. 


OPTION II. The WAY OF THE WITCH Independent Study Program with Email Support from Fiona

Work 1-1 with me, Fiona Duncan, a long-time Eclectic Witch, Magician, and Professional Educator. Allow me to guide you in learning one of the most quintessential practices in the Craft so you can create a unique and soulful sabbat practice that is fun, meaningful, and serves you well. 

Or, work independently in the Supported Independent Study option, and still receive my guidance via email whenever you need it. 

begin your magickal journey into the witch's sabbat and wheel of the year now


2 monthly payments of $166.50 = $333

Upon purchase, you will be taken to a checkout page on the school's teaching platform. You will then be placed directly into your program's online classroom where you will have access to the Welcome Files (program information), all the lessons in the course, and instructions about how to set up your first 1-1 video session with me. When I receive notification of your enrollment from the system, I will personally reach out to you via email to welcome you to Way of the Witch and The Magickal Path. 

Additionally, to keep you updated about your program and other school info, you will receive emails from me through either my personal email at The Magickal Path, the online classroom provider (Ruzuku), or The Magickal Path Newsletter sent via Mailchimp. Please know that I will never flood in your inbox!

THE WITCH'S YEAR COURSE IS PERFECT TO TAKE IN CONJUNCTION WITH WAY OF THE WITCH: WITCHCRAFT 101: 12 Month Coaching Program or the WAY OF THE WITCH: WITCHCRAFT 101: INDEPENDENT SOLO STUDY COURSE FOR PERSONALIZED IN-DEPTH LEARNING AND EXPERIENCE! Receive 10% off either course version when you enroll in The Witch's Year. Details available upon enrollment. 

The entire online 1-1 coaching program, that you have 2 years to complete, including (9) 30 minute 1-1 Coaching/Teaching sessions, and Unlimited Emails is only $333, or save $33 with a single payment


enroll me now!


$166.50 x 2


1 payment of $300 SAVE $33



3 monthly payments of $111 = $333

enroll me now!

$111 x 3


OPTION I. THE WITCH'S YEAR 1-1 Coaching Program With Fiona



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Please understand, because this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are UNABLE to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review the Terms of Purchase link at the bottom of this page. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not work with minors. 

*REMINDER: You have 2 YEARS to complete the 12 month 'Sabbat Year' that you will learn to create in THE WITCH'S YEAR. If you can't make an appt for any given sabbat during the first year, just let me know and we will do it next year instead. 



Upon purchase, you will be taken to a checkout page on the school's teaching platform. You will then be placed directly into your program's online classroom where you will have access to the Welcome Files (program information) and your entire course, which you can begin working on right away. This program is self-paced which means you can take as long as you need to complete it.

 I will personally reach out to you via email upon your enrollment to welcome you to THE WITCH'S YEAR and The Magickal Path, and to provide you with my direct email address.

Additionally, to keep you updated about your program and other school info, you will receive emails from me through either my personal email at The Magickal Path, the online classroom provider (Ruzuku), or The Magickal Path Newsletter sent via Mailchimp. Please know that I will never flood in your inbox!

THE WITCH'S YEAR COURSE IS PERFECT TO TAKE IN CONJUNCTION WITH WAY OF THE WITCH: WITCHCRAFT 101: 12 Month Coaching Program or the WAY OF THE WITCH: WITCHCRAFT 101: INDEPENDENT SOLO STUDY COURSE FOR PERSONALIZED IN-DEPTH LEARNING AND EXPERIENCE! Receive 10% off either course version when you enroll in The Witch's Year. Details available upon enrollment. 

Complete the course independently and study at your own pace. You will learn everything described on this info page, which is the VERY SAME CONTENT offered in the 1-1 Coaching option.

You may reach out to me via EMAIL for questions about the content in a lesson, if you can't figure out how to do something you are learning, or if you have any witchy breakthrough news you'd like to share! 

 Even though this course is totally independent, you are never really on your own if you don't want to be, which is something you just do not find in other online courses!

The 'Supported Independent Study' WITCH'S YEAR Course is just $154, but is now specially discounted for just $77! 


1 payment of $154 $77

enroll me now!


OPTION II. THE WITCH'S YEAR Independent Study Program with Email Support from Fiona


Please understand, because this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are UNABLE to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review the Terms of Purchase link at the bottom of this page. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not work with minors. 


Please understand, because this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are unable to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review Terms of Purchase link above. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age.

Have questions?
Email me, or Schedule a No-obligation info chat!

Purchasing this course indicates you have read and agree to the terms of purchase in this link. click here to access it.

I can't wait to meet you and guide you on your magickal journey! ~Fiona

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the magickal path, LLC | copyright 2023 all rights reserved

terms, conditions, disclaimer

all  text throughout this website, Including every course, program or free offer, are copyright protected
and may not be used or reproduced, in part or in whole, without express written permission