Special 'new student' sale prices on select payment options to help you jump-start your magickal journey now! Details at checkout.

...it's about harnessing your OWN Energy - the Divine source of your personal and magickal power.

Your power is the determining factor for success in every aspect of your life, both magickal and mundane. 

Join me today and master the foundations of the Craft.

Step into your power and discover a whole new way of living and being as the powerful, magickal witch you were born to be!

 Step Into The World Of rEAL Witchcraft!

...because It's not really about pointy hats, smoky cauldrons and flying broomsticks 

...Well, maybe just a little! 

...it's about harnessing your OWN Energy - the Divine source of your personal and magickal power.

Your power is the determining factor for success in every aspect of your life, both magickal and mundane. 

Join me today and master the foundations of the Craft.

Step into your power and discover a whole new way of living and being as the powerful, magickal witch you were born to be!


A Comprehensive 'Year and a Day' Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft

WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 is appropriate for both the neophyte and for those with some experience...

If you are brand new to the Craft, this program was made for you!

If you have been studying but have not yet mastered your Craft, this program is also for you.

If you would like a 'refresher,' a new perspective, or simply an experienced and caring person to guide you, this program is perfect for you as well.

You no longer have to go it alone.

Work with me, Fiona Duncan, a long-time Witch and professional educator.

I will personally support you through 1-1 online coaching; I'll also be there for you via email if you prefer to work independently and need help. 

Witchcraft 101


~Craft a REAL, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals  

~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power

~Work with the energies of the Earth and Cosmos, which add massive layers of power to your own

~Release uncertainty and become a confident, masterful magician and creator of original spells

~Clear blocks to your magick, happiness and success in life

~Discover a divination practice that will help you to navigate your life and Witchcraft practice 

~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature

~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations (holidays!)

-Live harmoniously with the Moon and 'her moods', and create your own soulful esbat (full moon) practice

~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose

~Learn SO much about magick, what it really is, and more importantly...

DO IT... and experience life-changing manifestations 

Live an empowered, magickal life through the practice of Solitary Eclectic Witchcraft 


What would take YEARS to curate, organize and learn on your own is yours in 12 comprehensive lessons! Follow the monthly 12-month format, or work at your own pace in either of the two course options.

Quit just reading about Witchcraft, fumbling around the internet, social media and through countless books trying to make sense of things...

Release information overload and actually PRACTICE in a way that is clear, effective and that supports your life and goals. 

Learn witchcraft and master the art and science of doing life-changing magick and personal energy work...

Become an empowered practicing Witch, living your best life with freedom and joy.

12 Comprehensive Lessons with (13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions -or- Independent 'Solo Study' with Email Support

Way of the Witch is suitable for anyone who wants to gain control of their personal power through the soulful practice of Witchcraft and its many beautiful nature-centric practices.

Energy is a core focus of this program because it is the source of magick, the source of you, and the source of everything in the Universe.

Working with energy is the beginning and end of doing not only powerful magick, but in wielding your personal power every day, in every situation that comes your way.

Because your beliefs and the way you practice your Craft is totally up to you, you may continue working with your beloved deities, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, ancestors, nature spirits, the 'the Universe', or just 'energy'. Way of the Witch encourages spiritual freedom. 

Way of the Witch is suitable for anyone who wants to gain control of their personal power through the soulful practice of Witchcraft and its many beautiful nature-centric practices.

Energy is a core focus of this program because it is the source of magick, the source of you, and the source of everything in the Universe.

Working with energy is the beginning and end of doing not only powerful magick, but in wielding your personal power every day, in every situation that comes your way.

Because your beliefs and the way you practice your Craft is totally up to you, you may continue working with your beloved deities, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, ancestors, nature spirits, the 'the Universe', or just 'energy'. Way of the Witch encourages spiritual freedom. 

In WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 you will develop your skills through study, projects and practices as you craft your very own bespoke spiritual and magickal Eclectic Witchcraft practice.

Most importantly, you will learn how to tap into the Divine power that lives within you, which is the very source of your personal and magickal power. 

I'm Fiona Duncan

...more importantly, I am your teacher, coach, and the author of this introductory, yet totally life-altering, program about stepping into your power and becoming a most magickal, accomplished, and sovereign Witch through the soulful practices of Eclectic Witchcraft. I really look forward to partnering with you and becoming your personal guide to living life on "The Magickal Path" whether you work 1-1 with me, or through independent study with optional email support.

I hold a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and am New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. I am retired as a NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. My professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching and Curriculum Development. I am also a Practical Magician, Reiki Master and a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. I'm not the type to be drawn to witchy 'woo', but rather, I practice and teach Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both 'Art' and 'Science' in equal measure.

 (Please note that I DO NOT teach or practice malefica/black magick), nor do I do, or believe in 'spells for hire'. 

Finally, learn witchcraft the way you've always dreamed of. Gain access to the right program (and person!) to guide and support you, so you can blossom into the powerful, sovereign Witch you were born to be. Having personal access to teachers in online courses is a rare thing, and what's more rare, is finding a teacher of the Craft that will make this kind of time for you. 

Working with Fiona in WAY OF THE WITCH is the best decision I’ve ever made. The Magickal Path has completely changed my life and brought me so much happiness. Fiona is kind, patient, and funny. She has a big personality, and she is absolutely lovely to talk to. She has endless wisdom and advice, and she genuinely wants to see all her students grow into their power. She is always willing to work with her students to help them grow in their own perfect ways. She does not impose her own beliefs but instead guides her students to transform into who they truly are, magickal and powerful. I cannot recommend her enough. I am eternally grateful that Fiona is my teacher, and I hope you choose her to be your teacher as well. I promise that if your goal is to be a powerful, sovereign witch, you won’t regret it!  ~Fey R., Way of the Witch graduate

I have been an innate witch since birth but wanted to return to the basics as I transition into Cronehood and revisit with 5 decades of life experience behind me. I was not let down! The Way of the Witch was worthy in every way, with suggestions for introspection, thought, and experimental action at every juncture. Fiona’s honest conversations were imperative to gaining clarity on my obstacles and reaffirming my power to make better choices and meaningful magick. Thank you being such an open book, for listening and sharing, for insight and encouragement. You are a brave and sensitive soul. I am grateful I found you. Thank you with all my heart & soul! 
~ Melissa F. age 51, Way of the Witch graduate

You will receive in-depth lessons derived from my personal grimoire and witchcraft practice, which includes many projects, activities, and practices to help you step into that next-level witch that you absolutely have the power to become.

Way of the Witch is structured to be completed within a 12 month timeframe for both the 1-1 coaching and independent study course options. However, you may work at your own pace with either one.

These lessons are so intensive and comprehensive that you will be hard-pressed to find anything like them anywhere else on the web... especially ones that offer personalized 1-1 support for the deep work you'll be doing, or personal access to your teacher even if you've chosen the self-paced independent study option.

What You Get In both
WAY OF THE WITCH Course Options...


OPEN ENROLLMENT: sign up anytime! 

COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM consisting of 12 MONTHS/LESSONS OF IN-DEPTH COURSE CONTENT whether you work with me 1-1 or not, which you can complete in a timeframe that works for you.

SET YOUR OWN PACE. Want to work with me in the 1-1 COACHING PROGRAM but aren't sure the monthly lesson timeframe will work for you?  You may complete the course lesson by lesson as they are released each month, pacing yourself to complete the program within the 12 month timeframe, OR if you think you may need more than 12 months to complete the course, no worries! That is because YOU DETERMINE THE TIMING OF YOUR PROGRAM month by month. There is no rush to finish it, nor do you need to know in advance how much extra time you may need. Just let me know this during your first 1-1 session, or at any other point during the course if a situation arises that results in your needing more time. Conversely, if you are moving along more quickly, that's not a problem either. Students graduate from the program when they are ready. The 12 month program timeframe is meant to give structure to the program, not to stress you out.

Prefer to complete the course without monthly 1-1 coaching but want to know that I am still here for you? The SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT 'SOLO' STUDY PROGRAM option is essentially an email correspondence course. Email me anytime you have a question, want to share a lesson-related story, show me photos of projects, or for advice about anything related to the course's content. Of course, if flying your broom totally solo is the way you roll, you are free to work the program as you like and not initiate email correspondence. It's totally up to you. 

This ACADEMICALLY STRUCTURED witchcraft course is filled with information, practices and projects that will be your foundation for creating and practicing a powerful, bespoke Eclectic Witchcraft practice that serves you well, even if you are a brand new witch. With either program option that you choose, the curriculum is the same and features BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED LESSONS that look like a magazine with images and places to write, and is conversational in tone to make learning easy; the book that you build out of this course is your textbook, workbook and notebook, and will become your trusted Grimoire
(witch's book of information) for you to refer to for years to come.

A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM located in The Magickal Path's amazing state-of-the-art online portal where the lessons, assignments, projects and practices that I created for you are available for you to download or read online. 

CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT digital copy emailed to you when you have completed your last 1-1 coaching session with me, or upon request when you complete your independent program. 

TEXT & EMAIL SUPPORT throughout your program. Ask for help with your lessons, or to just say hi and show me the witchy stuff you're up to! 

LIFETIME ACCESS to me. I am still here for you after you've completed all parts of your program and have graduated. Have a quick question or need guidance about anything you've learned in the program? Just ask. After all, graduation doesn't have to mean saying goodbye! 

What You will Learn

~Mastering Your Energy & Power
~Types Of Witchcraft & Discovering Your Interests 
~Witchcraft & Wicca: which path is for you?
~Sacred Space
~Shielding & Protection
~Recipes for Magickal Incense & Oils
~Purification, Consecration & Blessing
~The Witch’s Connection to Nature  
~Psychism & The clair-faculties 
~divination & common methods 
~Chakras & Chakra Balancing
~Magickal Correspondences for spellcasting 
~The Elements & Cardinal Directions
~Karma, Reincarnation, Past Lives  
~Daily Altar Work to grow your power
~History, Beliefs & Deity
~The Soul, The Spirit & Your Spiritual Evolution 
~The Witch’s Altar  
~Witchcraft Tools
~The Grimoire & Book Of Shadows

~The Witch's Year: Sabbats, Solstices, Equinoxes
~Life & Magick with Lunar Phases
~the witch's moon: Esbats 
~The magick circle 
~Spell Casting  
~why magick fails & what to do about it
~Types of Magick 
~Methods of Spell Casting 
~Writing Your Own Spells
~Magickal Correspondences
~Herbs, Oils And Other Natural Objects 
~Glyphs, Colors, Planets & Other Symbols 
~Meditation for Magick     
~Centering & Grounding 
~Offerings & your connection to Source
~Daily Altar Work Practices 
~The Pentacle & it's meaning to the witch 
~Your Witch Name 
~Dedication Ritual 
~Personalized 1-1 Training in Magick with fiona

~Mastering Your Energy & Power
~Types Of Witchcraft & Discovering Your Interests 
~Witchcraft & Wicca: which path is for you?
~Sacred Space
~Shielding & Protection
~Recipes for Magickal Incense & Oils
~Purification, Consecration & Blessing
~The Witch’s Connection to Nature  
~Psychism & The clair-faculties 
~divination & common methods 
~Chakras & Chakra Balancing
~Magickal Correspondences for spellcasting 
~The Elements & Cardinal Directions
~Karma, Reincarnation, Past Lives  
~Daily Altar Work to grow your power
~History, Beliefs & Deity
~The Soul, The Spirit & Your Spiritual Evolution 
~The Witch’s Altar  
~Witchcraft Tools
~The Grimoire & Book Of Shadows
~The Witch's Year: Sabbats, Solstices, Equinoxes
~Life & Magick With Lunar Phases
~The Witch's Moon: Esbats 
~The Magick Circle 
~Spell Casting  
~Why Magick Fails & What To Do About It
~Types Of Magick 
~Methods Of Spell Casting 
~Writing Your Own Spells
~Magickal Correspondences
~Herbs, Oils And Other Natural Objects 
~Glyphs, Colors, Planets & Other Symbols 
~Meditation For Magick     
~Centering & Grounding 
~Offerings & Your Connection To Source
~Daily Altar Work Practices 
~The Pentacle & It's Meaning To The Witch 
~Your Witch Name 
~Dedication Ritual 
~Personalized 1-1 Training In Magick With Fiona

You’re probably wondering WHAT A 1-1 SESSION IS LIKE. First of all, it is a friendly, fun and informative conversation. I recap what you studied in the lesson, and we then discuss what you got out of it: what you liked about the topics you studied, the projects and practices you did, what your favorite parts were, what really resonated with you, and what didn’t. THE BEST PART is talking with you about how your new witchcraft practice is changing your life for the better--you know, those magickal moments when an interesting synchronicity happens, those transformative 'aha' moments when you suddenly realize something pivotal, and even how you see and feel yourself changing and growing. Of course it's also your time to ask any questions you have, and get highly personalized answers.

Your live, online 1-1 COACHING consists of 13 monthly PRIVATE 1-1 VIDEO SESSIONS through your choice of Google Meet, FaceTime, or Facebook Messenger. You also get UNLIMITED TEXT and EMAIL support throughout each month.

NOT SURE YOU CAN STAY ON A REGULAR MONTHLY SCHEDULE? Not a problem! This program is totally flexible  because you SET YOUR OWN PACE. Just keep me in the loop and let me know what you need from month to month. There is NO HURRY to graduate! Moving through the program more quickly? No worries. You can work your program at any pace that works for you. 

In both course options, you will learn how to call up your energy (your magickal power) on command through energy work and a ‘Daily Altar Work Practice’. In Lessons 8, 9, and 10 you will learn the ART AND SCIENCE OF MAGICK. Your magick studies go way beyond learning how to light a candle and hoping for the best. Besides learning all the essential elements of successful spellcasting, you will also learn how to identify and clear blocks that could hinder your spells from manifesting. 

In the 1-1 coaching option you receive 1-1 INSTRUCTION & DEMONSTRATE HOW TO DO THINGS so show you can feel confident in your practices. I will also help you to create your own original spells! I'll also talk you through any potential magickal blocks you may have, and you will learn my Strategic Spellcasting Technique! 

OPTION I. The WAY OF THE WITCH 1-1 Coaching Program With Fiona


Learn Witchcraft in the Way that Suits Your Personal Learning Style

Want to learn witchcraft and work the course completely on your own, totally at your own pace, and still know that I am here for you through email anytime? You can!

This option is the SAME COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM that is in OPTION I, which is filled with information, practices and projects that will be your foundation for creating and practicing a powerful Eclectic Witchcraft practice that serves you well, even if you are a brand new witch! Through it, you will create a comprehensive magickal Grimoire with your course PDFs.

In the Solo Study course option, your lessons are timed to open 3 lessons at a time, for 4 consecutive months, upon which the entire program will be open to you. You are NOT expected to have this course completed by the end of the 4 month lesson-releasing period, however the pace at which the lessons are released ensures that you can truly work at your own pace while at the same time not jump ahead prematurely.

Another main difference between this 'Solo Study' course option and OPTION 1 is, instead of having (13) sixty minute 1-1 Coaching and Q&A Sessions with me, you will work on your lessons totally solo, entirely at your own pace as described above. 

You aren't completely on your own, though. You get CONTINUED PERSONALIZED SUPPORT and may reach out to me anytime via email if you have questions about anything in a lesson, if you can't figure out how to do something you are learning, or if you have some exciting witchy breakthrough news or photos of assignments to share! So even though this is the Independent 'Solo' Study course option, you are never totally on your own if you don't want to be. 

The Supported Independent Study with Email course is TRANSFERABLE TO OPTION I if at any time you decide that you would rather continue your program having 1-1 sessions with me instead of working independently with email support. Let me know and I will email you a special prorated link to enroll through. 


OPTION II. The WAY OF THE WITCH Independent 'Solo' Study Program w/Email Support from Fiona

"Thank you! I love what you're doing! You are helping people! You are making a difference! You are appreciated and you are loved!"

~ Dorothy A. WoW101 Student

"I had the pleasure of signing up for the WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 Year and a Day 12 Month Coaching Program with Fiona, and I was impressed by the depth of knowledge she shared on the subject. Her classes were filled with information and insights that I found fascinating, and her wicked sense of humor made the experience all the more enjoyable. While I already had some familiarity with the topic, I would highly recommend Fiona to anyone who wants to learn witchcraft, whether they are brand new or have been practicing for a while. She is a knowledgeable and entertaining instructor who is sure to make the learning experience fun and engaging."

~Jill S. WoW101 Graduate

Fiona, thanks so much for everything! This was truly the most life-changing year of my life. I've learned so much along the way. I'm so thankful and overjoyed for having such a wonderful teacher and friend. Words alone can hardly describe my gratitude for your guidance and mentorship. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey together in the future!

~Maria C. WoW101 Graduate

Right from the introductory call, you are drawn into Fiona's vibrant enthusiasm to do the work she was called to do. A teacher by trade, Fiona is a natural mentor and guide, and uses her skills to structure the curricula of her courses in a way that makes complete sense and is truly effective. I instantly felt a deep connection to her, like we were kindred spirits that had found each other again. Within ten minutes of that first call, I knew this was where I was meant to be. 

And so, I signed up for WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101.

The 101 course is a year and a day of pure enlightenment and so much tingly, magickal goodness. You learn everything you figured you would, and then some. But most importantly, you learn there isn't a WRONG way to do this work. There are the basics, a little bit of ethics, and then there is YOU. You are the key ingredient here. You are the thing that will limit you, OR you become the thing that will free you. WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 is structured just enough to deliver a wealth of information in a way that feels like a story, and at the same time, it encourages independence and stretching your own creativity.

I'm not going to say this work is easy. I hit a few stumbling blocks of my own throughout the year, some shadows that needed to be worked through and overcome. But not once did Fiona ever discourage me. On the contrary, our monthly coaching calls often turned into pep talks, the kind that rivaled the speeches coaches give in locker rooms when you're losing and you know if you don't get it together, this'll be the end. But I made it to the finish line and completed both WAY OF THE WITCH and STELLAR! 

There are not enough words in the English language to describe just how much I have valued my time with The Magickal Path and with Fiona. I am more confident in developing my own spells, and I am more confident in the actual casting of spells. I've learned much about myself, and I feel I've embraced and allowed my authentic self to shine. I also know I haven't just gained a teacher, but I've also made a life long friend in Fiona. I eagerly await to see the future of The Magickal Path unfold, especially what classes Fiona has in store for us next! 

This newfound abundance in my life, for which I’m so grateful, has come from all the work I’ve done in WAY OF THE WITCH. Through working with Fiona and her 1-1 program, in eleven months I found my path to a 20-year dream.

When I signed up for WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 in 2020, it was because I was feeling lost and angry in life. The pandemic had wrought changes that upended my lifestyle, and I felt like my dreams of spending most of my time working as a writer were always so far in the distance as to be unattainable. I knew I was a witch and that magick was the right spiritual path. But I felt overwhelmed by a plethora of information, some of it leading me down conflicting paths.

Enter Fiona. We clicked immediately, but what really hooked me was her eagerness to provide guidance while still encouraging me to forge a path of my own witchy traditions while working on manifesting my desires.

For two decades, I dreamed of a life that centered around writing and authorship. Because of the work I did in this program, I am now at the precipice of it. So much is manifesting for me, including the publication of my novel.

I am full of energy, gratitude, and happiness now that I am finally realizing my sovereignty and my power. Thank you, Fiona.

Jennifer G. aka J.R. Lesperance, Author, 'Cardinal Virtue' https://www.jrlesperance.com/home 

Margaret McNellis, Author, Astrologer 'https://margaretmcnellis.com/

david m.

"The year I spent with Fiona in the 101 went by so quickly, yet so much happened! Because I was just starting on this path, I really wanted to find a program that was going to take me through step by step in a logical way, and without the 'woo'. Fiona's witchcraft 101 program turned out to be exemplary, and just what I needed. The lessons, projects and practices, which were SO detailed, and the personal support from Fiona, who is so amazingly warm, funny and caring, really made my journey into Witchcraft so positive and really powerful. The things I have learned, healed and manifested are nothing short of amazing! I feel more confident, comfortable in my own skin, and capable. My biggest takeaway from the 101 is the empowerment I now feel and the belief that I can make things happen for myself: Because of the  ongoing energy work and Fiona's 'Altar Work Practice', I have truly healed so much, and have grown my magickal power. I have since manifested not only a job that is more aligned with my soul and purpose, but a great new place to live using all I learned in the 101 and Fiona's 'strategic spell casting technique'. I am also living a life that is more soulful, purpose-driven, and just more... 'magickal'!" If you truly want to learn witchcraft in a way that supports your interests, goals, personal growth and highest good, working with Fiona in WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 is for you! 

"Working with Fiona was an amazing experience. She was so giving of her time and she really cared about my progress. I've learned so much during my year with her about my Witchcraft and magickal practice--it has been amazing! But even more so, I really learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of. If you are a Witch and are trying to find your path, work with Fiona in WAY OF THE WITCH." 

"I've taken other Witchcraft 101 courses in the past both online and in person. This course has the basics the other courses had, but went way beyond and covered more about magick than the others, including other esoteric topics I'd really been wanting to learn about. WAY OF THE WITCH is definitely the most in-depth 101 I've come across. Working with Fiona personally was amazing and such a rare thing with online courses. Really loved everything about it!"

"I have developed a very close relationship with Fiona and I absolutely love her! She is genuine, warm and totally invested in her students' spiritual growth and magickal achievement. Every lesson in WAY OF THE WITCH was crucial in my learning how to understand exactly what Witchcraft is and how to harness my power. There has been a dramatic shift in my energy--I feel so powerful!"

"Hi Fiona! I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. I'm so excited to be bringing in the new year with a new me!!!! I'm feeling more like my old self than I have in ages. I am strong and I am ready. Thank you for coming into my life when I needed you. I really, really felt lost and you have guided and helped me to find ME, and my long awaited journey. I truly can't thank you enough."

"Fiona, with you as my mentor, I am blessed. Not once have I ever felt I was being misguided, like I was given false information, disrespected, or anything else of the sort. Fiona, you have been the strong, dependable guiding light that was and is exactly what I need. I value and trust that the knowledge you are gifting me as my Mentor is good and true. Fiona, you have gone above and beyond for me and words cannot express how much it means to me. I appreciate this opportunity. Thank you for being you."

michaela m.

Allen c.

samantHa f.

mary b.

nyx m. 

I spent many years exploring and searching on my own, reading anything and everything witchcraft related, trying to find something that not only resonated with me, but that rang true and seemed logical. Then one day, finding myself in yet another ‘wiccan shaped corner’ of the web... the idea faerie hit me... Why not just search for a proper school of Witchcraft? That is when the stars finally aligned, and I found The Magickal Path. It was that same feeling when you think you have lost something forever, and then it just appears, like it was waiting to be found the whole time. Some may call it kismet, but I believe it is like Fiona said when I first made contact, “It didn’t happen by accident... you were meant to be here.” What a truly fabulous and magickal find this school is! The Magickal Path and the Way of the Witch course is 'just the ticket' for anyone looking to gain expert knowledge, hone the skills, and gain the confidence to be able to walk their truest path with the Craft. Whether to take the first steps, or to deepen and compliment an already existing practice, this course, together with Fiona’s fiery spirit and enthusiasm to share her knowledge and experience, will absolutely get you well on your way to living your most magickal life! And what a FUN journey it is! A BIG sparkly thank you and cheers, Fiona! I am so very happy and blessed that I found you and The Magickal Path School! FIVE SILVER STARS!

jill F

"Fiona, with you as my mentor, I am blessed. Not once have I ever felt I was being misguided, like I was given false information, disrespected, or anything else of the sort. Fiona, you have been the strong, dependable guiding light that was and is exactly what I need. I value and trust that the knowledge you are gifting me as my Mentor is good and true. Fiona, you have gone above and beyond for me and words cannot express how much it means to me. I appreciate this opportunity. Thank you for being you."

"I've taken other Witchcraft 101 courses in the past both online and in person. This course has the basics the other courses had, but went way beyond and covered more about magick than the others, including other esoteric topics I'd really been wanting to learn about. WAY OF THE WITCH is definitely the most in-depth 101 I've come across. Working with Fiona personally was amazing and such a rare thing with online courses. Really loved everything about it!"

Nyx m.

david m.

mary b.

allen b.

Samantha f.

michaela r.

"I have developed a very close relationship with Fiona and I absolutely love her! She is genuine, warm and totally invested in her students' spiritual growth and magickal achievement. Every lesson in WAY OF THE WITCH was crucial in my learning how to understand exactly what Witchcraft is and how to harness my power. There has been a dramatic shift in my energy--I feel so powerful!"

"Working with Fiona was an amazing experience. She was so giving of her time and she really cared about my progress. I've learned so much during my year with her about my Witchcraft and magickal practice--it has been amazing! But even more so, I really learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of. If you are a Witch and are trying to find your path, work with Fiona in WAY OF THE WITCH." 

"The year I spent with Fiona in the 101 went by so quickly, yet so much happened! Because I was just starting on this path, I really wanted to find a program that was going to take me through step by step in a logical way, and without the 'woo'. Fiona's witchcraft 101 program turned out to be exemplary, and just what I needed. The lessons, projects and practices, which were SO detailed, and the personal support from Fiona, who is so amazingly warm, funny and caring, really made my journey into Witchcraft so positive and really powerful. The things I have learned, healed and manifested are nothing short of amazing! I feel more confident, comfortable in my own skin, and capable. My biggest takeaway from the 101 is the empowerment I now feel and the belief that I can make things happen for myself: Because of the ongoing energy work and Fiona's 'Altar Work Practice', I have truly healed so much, and have grown my magickal power. I have since manifested not only a job that is more aligned with my soul and purpose, but a great new place to live using all I learned in the 101 and Fiona's 'strategic spell casting technique'. I am also living a life that is more soulful, purpose-driven, and just more... 'magickal'!" If you truly want to learn witchcraft in a way that supports your interests, goals, personal growth and highest good, working with Fiona in WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 is for you! 

"The Magickal Path and the Way of the Witch course is 'just the ticket' for anyone looking to gain expert knowledge, hone the skills, and gain the confidence to be able to walk their truest path with the Craft. Whether to take the first steps, or to deepen and compliment an already existing practice, this course, together with Fiona’s fiery spirit and enthusiasm to share her knowledge and experience, will absolutely get you well on your way to living your most magickal life! And what a FUN journey it is! "

"Hi Fiona! I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. I'm so excited to be bringing in the new year with a new me!!!! I'm feeling more like my old self than I have in ages. I am strong and I am ready. Thank you for coming into my life when I needed you. I really, really felt lost and you have guided and helped me to find ME, and my long awaited journey. I truly can't thank you enough."

jill F.

Work 1-1 with me, Fiona Duncan, a long-time Eclectic Witch, Magician, and Professional Educator. Allow me to guide you on a life-changing magickal journey that will transform you into the powerful Witch that is your heart's desire to be. 

Or, work on your own, at your own pace, and still receive my guidance whenever you ask for it through the independent 'Solo Study' course option. 

Either WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 course option will teach you how you to step into your power so you may become an empowered practicing Witch, living your best life with freedom and joy, which is truly... the way of the witch! 

Learn Witchcraft & begin your magickal journey now

Master the Art & Science of Eclectic Witchcraft

Upon purchase, you will be taken to a checkout page on the school's teaching platform. You will then be placed directly into your program's online classroom where you will have access to the Welcome Files (program information), Lesson 1, and instructions about how to set up your first 1-1 video session with me. When I receive notification of your enrollment from the system, I will personally reach out to you via email to welcome you to Way of the Witch and The Magickal Path. 

Additionally, to keep you updated about your program and other school info, you will receive emails from me through either my personal email at The Magickal Path, the online classroom provider (Ruzuku), or my occasional Newsletter sent via Mailchimp. Please know that I will never flood in your inbox!

The entire online 1-1 coaching program, that you COMPLETE AT YOUR OWN PACE, including (13) 45-60 minute 1-1 Coaching/Teaching sessions, Emails, and Texting, is only $697, or save $50 with a single payment of $647.




Gift yourself or someone you love!


SAVE $30! New Student Sale Price: 3 MONTHLY PAYMENTS

3 monthly payments: $222.33 x 3 = $667

enroll me now!

$222.33 x 3

OPTION I. The WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 1-1 Coaching Program With Fiona

SAVE $50! New Student Sale Price


6 monthly payments: $117 x 6 = $697 + $5 fee

enroll me now!

$117 x 6


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Please understand, because we are a small business and this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are UNABLE to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review the Terms of Purchase link at the bottom of this page. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. We do not work with minors. 

*REMINDER: the 12 month 'Year and a Day' format is flexible. Working more quickly through the program? No problem. Make your next 1-1 appointment with me and request the lesson. Need more time? Still not a problem! Just let me know so we can restructure the timeframe of your program. 


$232.33 x 3

Upon purchase, you will be taken to a checkout page on the school's teaching platform. You will then be placed directly into your program's online classroom where you will have access to the Welcome Files (program information) and Lessons 1-3, which you can begin working on right away. For the following 4 months you will receive email notifications that your next three lessons are available. If you need more time to finish a lesson, no worries. This program is self-paced which means you are not held to a 12 month timeframe and can take as long as you need to complete it.

 I will personally reach out to you via email upon your enrollment to welcome you to Way of the Witch and The Magickal Path, and to provide you with my direct email address should you ever need to reach me. Additionally, to keep you updated about your program and other school info, you will receive emails from me through either my personal email at The Magickal Path, the online classroom provider Ruzuku (please do not unsubscribe from this as it is how I communicate info about the course to students), or my occasional Newsletter sent via Mailchimp. Please know that I will never flood in your inbox!

Complete the course independently and at your own pace. You will learn everything described on this info page, which is the VERY SAME 12-MONTH COACHING CONTENT offered in OPTION I.

You also get continued PERSONAL SUPPORT: You may reach out to me via EMAIL for questions about the content in a lesson, if you can't figure out how to do something you are learning, or if you have any witchy course content  breakthrough news you'd like to share! Even though this course is totally independent, you are never really on your own if you don't want to be.

All for only $333! Or save $85 with the single payment discount, or 10% with the two-part payment plan! 




Single payment
Awesome deal AND giftable at checkout!


New Student Sale price PAYMENT PLAN: 2 MONTHLY PAYMENTS: 10% OFF!

2 monthly payments of $149.50 = $299 (10% off)

enroll me now!

$149.50 x 2

OPTION II. The WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 Independent 'Solo Study' Program w/Email Support from Fiona



Please understand, because we are a small business and this program consists of digital content , we are UNABLE to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review the Terms of Purchase link at the bottom of this page. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. We do not work with minors. 

*REMINDERS: 1.) The monthly 12 month format in the Independent Solo Study and the Coaching course is flexible. There is no rush to finish your lessons by a certain date. The lessons will be waiting for you in your classroom portal whenever you are ready for them. 2. If you enroll in the Independent Solo Study course, you may upgrade to Option 1, the 1-1 Coaching Program at any time. 




3 monthly payments of $111 = $333 

enroll me now!

$111 x 3

Please understand, because this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are unable to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review Terms of Purchase link above. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age.

Have questions about this course?
Email me Now!

Purchasing this course indicates you have read and agree to the terms of purchase in this link. click here to access it.

I can't wait to meet you and guide you on your magickal journey! ~Fiona

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the magickal path, LLC | copyright 2023 all rights reserved

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all  text throughout this website, Including every course, program or free offer, are copyright protected
and may not be used or reproduced, in part or in whole, without express written permission