The Magickal Path, LLC ~ Central Valley, New York
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
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Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona (OR)
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~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona (OR)
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
As a practitioner and teacher of Witchcraft and magick for many years, I am often asked, “Are love spells black magick?”
The truth is, there is no black and white answer to this question, no pun intended. Opinions wildly differ on this topic. In my opinion, if you have a specific person in mind when you cast your spell, it is considered black magick.
Like everything else in Witchcraft and magick, this is a highly controversial topic in the magickal community. I often come across contention and conflicting advice on the topic.
The magick of Modern Witchcraft is a rich, proactive practice, shrouded in mystery and wonder. Magick with a ‘K’ is not the magick of illusionists and entertainers. It is one that offers us a unique opportunity for self-fulfillment, and to imagine a future beyond the status quo.
Magick with a ‘k’ is about mastering your own created reality. We do magick so we may better enjoy our time here on Earth. We also do magick so that we may accomplish our soul’s purpose, according to our unique Divine Blueprint.
It is a blending of the fundamental scientific discipline of physics (the interactions between matter and energy), and metaphysics (the relationship and interaction between mind and matter which transcends beyond physics). Magick is successful when the magician’s desire is manifest in the material world.
Malefica is magick that harms, controls or manipulates a person. There are many witchcraft and magickal paths that practice black magick as a regular part of the practice. Each path and person has their own reasoning for doing so. Another term for black magick is baneful magick and also malefica.
Magick itself is really neither black or white. It is a neutral force that becomes benefic or malefic through the intention of the person manipulating it.
Notice that although some do, I do not include banishing and binding on this list. In my opinion, neither are black magick IF they are done for protection and self-defense. Banishing and binding when done for protection and/or self-defense is gray magick.
Gray magick is a magickal classification that rests between black magick and white magick on the magickal spectrum. This is because they DO entail manipulating another’s free will. However, if you are doing so in order to protect yourself from their harm, it is perfectly acceptable to do so. It’s a sort of magickal Kung Fu in that we are using energy to protect ourselves instead of physical force.
Banishing and binding is also used for ridding things other than problematic people. This can include unhealthy situations, personal character flaws, bad habits, negative mindsets and addictions. In this instance, it is not baneful magick at all because you are not manipulating the free will of another. Instead, you are manipulating energies and decisions that are your own.
Be aware though, if you wish to help another person banish or bind something negative from their life, you may only do so if they ask you to, or they give you permission. Otherwise, you are still manipulating the free will of another despite your good intention. This is because sometimes karmic stories are being played out in which you have no business poking your broomstick into.
On a final note regarding magick binding and banishing, as long as you are not attaching baser, harmful emotions to the magick (such as really hating the person you are binding), it really can be an effective tool to help you safeguard your life and wellbeing.
The answer is yes… and no.
A love spell that focuses on manipulating a specific person to love you when they organically do not, is baneful (and predatory in my opinion).
Love spells cast with the intention of finding love with the right person without a specific person in mind is not.
See the difference?
When casting any spell, always ask yourself beforehand, would I want someone to do this to me?
No? Then DON’T do it to someone else!
Ponder this…
Would YOU like it if someone cast a love or other manipulation spell on you? If you found out, would you feel violated? Angry? Love spells that focus on a particular person are malefic and are the antithesis of ‘harm none’.
Always apply the Golden Rule when it comes to spellcasting. Yes, it’s really that simple.
Let’s face it, isn’t it better to be with a person who comes to you of their own free will because they really love and want you? THIS is true love, not zombie love, meaning a mindless, compelled love that you get from a magickally coerced person. When you cast in this way, you are enslaving another being. Chew on that for a minute. How does it taste?
Now think about how casting a black magick love spell affects the witch who cast it, both karmically (repercussions in the next life) and via the Law of 3 (repercussions in this life). Manipulation is control, and controlling someone absolutely is harm. Baneful actions always come with a big price to pay in the end.
Yes, you can absolutely cast a love spell that is not black magick! Below is an example…
A Poppet is a type of sympathetic magick and can be used to attract a husband, wife or life partner. In white magick, the spell is cast without a specific person in mind. Rather, it is cast with the qualities the witch desires to have in his, her or their future mate.
The wedding dress makes the intention clear that marriage is the goal. The hair color is the Witch’s. The poppet is stuffed with some of her own real hair (in this example the witch is female), either removed from her hair brush, or that she snipped from her head. Also included are botanicals, crystals and other significant objects such as wedding rings, that correspond with the goal of love and marriage. A list of ideal qualities her partner must have is tucked inside the poppet as well.
This spell is ‘white magick’ because the poppet is of the witch herself. She is NOT attempting to attract (manipulate) a specific person, but rather, the person that is best suited to her for lasting happiness.
In the end, casting a love spell that involves manipulating a certain person is a matter of personal beliefs and ethics.
Although I have my beliefs and opinions, this post is not about judgment, but rather, clarity. I firmly believe that we all have the right to make our own choices. Live and let live, and do what personally feels right.
Many new witches are unclear about what constitutes manipulation and how it violates the free will of another. The intention of this post is to help you determine what is personally right for you, and how you will proceed with your magick. It is meant to get you thinking about where you stand on this issue. And just as I shared my personal beliefs and opinions, you have the right to yours as well. How you choose to cast for is up to you, and is part of your own personal journey.
While I have never cast a spell to compel anyone to love me, I did cast one very powerful spell that focused on the qualities I desired in a partner instead.
The spell manifested my soulmate and love of my life. It was a lengthy three month spell I started in October 2013, and cast at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. The spell involved all kinds of magick (sympathetic, petition, elemental and cosmic), and was a LOT of fun to do! I’ll never forget the day that I ‘ran into’ my partner just 9 1/2 weeks later. I knew in my bones the second I saw him that my spell had manifested!
My partner and I have been together since that first moment. It happened more than 8 years ago since the writing of this post, and we have been very happy.
Our love and relationship deepens with every passing year. We are everything to each other, yet are not lost in each other. Together, we support one and other in our hopes and dreams. We have a shared vision for the life we want with each other. We even purchased a house we love (yep-more magick happened to manifest that). And most importantly, although he is not a Witch, my partner loves that I am, and supports me in my witchy path and in my witchy business (The Magickal Path).
In retrospect, if I had crossed my moral boundaries and did a love spell with any certain person in mind, I would likely have cheated myself out of this amazingly beautiful and stable life and relationship I now have. I trusted my perfect person was out there, and in the end, he surely was.
Fiona Duncan is the Creatrix of The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, Conscious Spirituality & Personal Transformation. She holds a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and is New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. She is a retired NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. Her professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching, and Curriculum Development.
In her spiritual and magickal life, Fiona is a seasoned Practical Magician, Reiki Master and is a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. She is not the type to be drawn to witchy ‘woo’, but rather, she practices and teaches Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in equal measure.
Fiona’s favorite thing in the world is teaching and coaching new and intermediate Witches in her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 A Comprehensive ‘Year and a Day’ Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft, available in monthly 1-1 coaching, independent study with personal email support, and self-paced formats.
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I feel a love spell is fine when you have no one in mind unless it’s a love spell for yourself, to love yourself. As we at times forget to do so when life gets in the way.
I have never done black magick but feel we need to know it in case we need to protect ourselves. I have done two bindings and they were both for protection, one protecting my job and coworkers which worked within 24 hours. The second has been a challenge. It’s to protect me, my family and home against my BIL/neighbor. It didn’t work at first so I reenforced it and now works but then it doesn’t. It’s like a roller coaster. I feel he’s testing the boundaries.
Hi Laurie, What a great point you make about casting to love yourself. This is wonderful Venus work, and I think something we can all use at least a little of. Re: your protection spells, it’s great the first one worked, but it seems the second one may need to be reworked. There’s a reason it’s not providing the maximum protection you need. Perhaps a tweak in the wording of the spell is needed, or something else. If you want some guidance, email me. In the meantime, it does seem that the spell is at least partially working, and this is good, but maybe like I said, the spell needs some tweaking or even some added power. Let me know if you want help. 🙂
Wow is amazing