~ magick course ~ Magick Classes ~

Level Up Your Magick and Manifest Like a Mage in this Intensive 8-Month 1-1 Online Magick Course!

Practical Planetary Magick for the Modern Witch

Immerse Yourself in the Power of the Planets and Become...

~ Really confident
~ Really capable
~ And totally sovereign...
~ Living the life that you really want
~ That you really love

Aside from the power within you, there is no stronger magickal energy in Nature than planetary energies.

Learn how to harness the power of the cosmos and do life-altering magick that is written in the stars!

Create a Highly Effective, Cosmically-Charged, Practical Planetary Magick Practice with the 7 Classical Planets

Through my carefully crafted lessons, which are curated from my personal grimoire, you will learn SO much!

You won't be just reading about theories and information. 
You will be DOING easy rituals, energy work and magick every single day.
And I'll be there for you every step of the way! 

You + Planetary Power + Your Own Practical Magick Spells = Game-Changing Magickal Results! 

 The immense power of the cosmos has been used in magick for millennia, and remains one of the most powerful ways to practice magick today.

You may find yourself surprised when you begin working with planetary energies by how boldly they respond, particularly if you are very new to working with them.

Ponder this…

As Witches, we work with the power of the Moon and the distinctive energies that embody each phase. In our physical world, we know the Moon controls the tides. We also feel how it affects our physical bodies and our emotions. The Moon is so powerful, that we plan our everyday lives, our magick, and our entire Witchcraft practice around it.

What great force and power that is!

Now think about the planets in our solar system. Imagine the immense power that they are and embody. Imagine the huge power that keeps them in orbit, and that guides them as they travel around the Sun.

What if we could tap into these massive cosmic powers and use them for our purposes, just as we do with the Moon?

Well, we can.

Doing Planetary Magick and working with cosmic mega forces can be absolutely life-altering... 

IF you know how!

During our 1-1 conversations I’ll share my own personal stories and experiences to demonstrate their power.

I'm Fiona Duncan

More importantly, I am your teacher, coach, and the creator of this life-altering program in Practical Planetary Magick. Join me to learn how to draw down the power of the cosmos and be a most magickal, accomplished Witch, and to start manifesting like you never have before! I look forward to being your personal teacher and guiding you on your cosmic journey!

I hold a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and am New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. I am retired as a NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. My professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching and Curriculum Development. I am also a Practical Magician, Reiki Master and a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. I'm not the type to be drawn to witchy 'woo', but rather, I practice and teach Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both 'Art' and 'Science' in equal measure.

(Please note that I do NOT teach malefica/black magick)


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


More of your story goes here... make sure you keep it relevant about this course and topic (oh... and keep it short too) 


WHY I CREATED STELLAR, and why I named it 'Practical Planetary Magick'...

From my own magickal practice I created this intensive, comprehensive magick course in Planetary Magick. Nothing excites me more than talking about planetary energies, fabulously aspected zodiacal alignments, and spells to cast that match these energies! I really wanted to share my knowledge and passion for casting with the cosmos, and to help others benefit from this massive magickal power, just as I have, and continue to.

Although Planetary Magick derives from High/Ceremonial magick, I teach and coach this course through the lens of Practical Magick, which is the type of magick that we Witches most commonly do. It is the historical magick of our ancestors and Witches of the past - it's the magick of everyday people and its aim is to make life a little easier so we can not only enjoy it, but more importantly, be free to discover and live our Divine purpose, joyfully and with ease.

Practical Magick is a fluid, natural and intuitive approach to performing magick, and does not involve rigid rules, elaborate rituals or rote recitation. Nor do we conjure entities in this type of practice. Yes, energetic principles definitely apply, and are what you will learn in this program. However, it is totally up to you in how you apply them once you've learned how to work with them. With each deep dive you take into a planet (they are referred to as Planetary Immersions in the course), you will learn how to work with their massive power and to cast spells intuitively and with ease (and that really work!).  

I am SO looking forward to partnering with you so I can teach you the magickal practice that literally changed my life. I have so many stories to tell you, and so much to teach you! I can't wait to get started with you! 

~ Understand and harness cosmic and planetary energies to empower your life and magickal practice

~ Become a confident, powerful magician and creator of original spells

~ Learn about the planets and their corresponding energies to empower your magick

~Create your own original spells for success and happiness

~ Immerse yourself in the power of each planet and draw their benefic energies into your magickal practice, and into your life!

~ Learn SO much about magick, what it really is, and more importantly, DO IT to experience profound results

~ Work with each planet purely as energy, as the ancient deities they are named for, with the archangels that rule them, or through a combination of any that resonate with you.

~ Cast an original, bespoke magick spell for something you wish to attract or release with each monthly planetary immersion.  

~Study through a set curriculum that is academically formatted, yet is magickal in nature, and with built in flexibility that allows for extreme personalization of content and the magickal practice you create from it. 

boost your magick in a bIG way by Harnessing the power of the planets in this Uniquely Personalized Online Magick Class! It's the ultimate magick course you've been waiting for!

With STELLAR, you receive personal attention from me, your teacher and coach, through 9 PRIVATE 1-1 Q&A / coaching / magick classes.

Plus, you may communicate with me throughout each month via email, text, whatsapp or Facebook messenger!

This program is appropriate for both experienced Witches and Magicians as well as those with minimal experience, and starts off with 2 optional SPECIAL BONUS LESSONS in month 1 with the newer witch and magician in mind...


This is my free gift to you. The Crash Courses even comes with a bonus month of 1-1 instruction with me!

Feel free to dive in and learn something new, or brush up on skills you haven't used in a while. Maybe even learn a whole new way of doing things!

This magick course works with Most levels of experience

in Magick & Ritual
for 'The Lesser Experienced' & 'The Rusty' 

Correspondences and Crafting Magickal Oil & Herb Blends

STELLAR features live, online, 1-1 instruction & coaching, Carefully crafted curriculum based on my own planetary magick practice, PLUS 2 special CRASH COURSES in Magick for those with less experience!

1. 8 MONTHS OF IN-DEPTH COURSE CONTENT designed to help you learn with clarity and ease. Your magick studies go way beyond learning how to light a candle and hoping for the best! Work with me and learn how to do magick like a seasoned magician with the power of the cosmos to support you. Cast strategically crafted spells aligned with your highest good to manifest your deepest desires! 

2. A SPECIAL BONUSES: "Crash Course on Magick & Ritual for The Lesser Experienced and The Rusty". This means, if you have very limited knowledge and experience with magick, or if you have experience and would like a refresher, you will have the opportunity learn or brush up on your skills. These bonus lessons are straight out of my comprehensive WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 program, and can be added to your program free of charge (yep, you get FOUR extra weeks and 1 extra call on me!). I want you to feel confident in your magickal skills and knowledge base before you begin working with the planets. This means you get 9 MONTHS of content and live 1-1 instruction! Plus you also get the free bonus "Correspondences & Crafting Magickal Oil & Herb Blends"!

3. A STATE-OF-THE-ART online classroom portal where your lessons, assignments, projects and practices are housed.

4. LIVE INSTRUCTION & COACHING in your monthly PRIVATE 1-1 VIDEO SESSIONS. You get (9) 1-1 video calls (1 Intro to STELLAR Session, 7 Q&A / Discussion / Instruction / Demonstration Sessions, 1 Program Wrap-Up Session, plus an extra session if you are doing the bonus lesson).

5. In this program, you will also have access to me via EMAIL, TEXT, WHATSAPP or FB MESSENGER, because sometimes you may need a quick answer to a question before you can move forward with your work, or to schedule a 1-1. 

6. LIFETIME ACCESS to me. I am still here for you after you've completed your planetary magick course. Have a quick question or need guidance about anything you've learned with me? Just ask. 

7. CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT emailed to you when you have completed the last of your 1-1 Coaching/Q&A sessions with me. 


STELLAR is an action-oriented program that is all about 'doing'. Very little reading or academic study is involved. 

Each monthly lesson is a 'planetary immersion' in which you will be performing simple (yet powerful) daily rituals, more involved weekly rituals, and a candle magick spell for each of the 7 planets. 

The point of each lesson is to immerse yourself in the planet's energies, drawing them down to you much like we do when we draw down the moon. Through quick and easy daily ritual, you will immerse yourself in each planet's energies, and come to know them intimately. You will begin to experience each planet's influence in your life, and how by simply being 'in relationship' with a planet, you are continually drawing its power to you. This will become evident through good things happening for you whether you intentionally cast for them or not. You will come to intimately know and be able to feel the energies of each planet, and how to use them in your magick practice. 

Magick supplies you will need to do this program include candles for your spells and doing rituals at your altar. You will also be crafting your own magickal oils. And you'll be creating altars and giving offerings, too, so you are going to be needing a few things in order to do your magickal workings. You will NOT need to spend a lot of money to do your rituals and your spells. An additional $50-$100 over the course of the 8 month program is a good estimate to budget for your supplies. Descriptions of supplies, resources, and a suggested magick supply list are in the program. 

Of course, it's totally up to you how much you spend on your planetary magick practice. As with anything in Eclectic Witchcraft, making your practices your own and personalizing them is the goal.

about stellar and your magickal supplies

page 1: about your LIVE 1-1 Training Sessions with me

We will meet for 45-60 minutes for each planetary immersion into the 7 Classical Planets, plus once before you begin your program, and a final time when you complete it, for a total of nine PRIVATE 1-1 Q&A / coaching / magick classes. We will meet 10 times if you will be doing the bonus 'CRASH COURSE' on magick and ritual lesson during month 1. 

Your private 1-1 sessions with me are held through your choice of Facetime, Facebook video or Google Meet, and are made directly with me via online Calendly scheduling app, text, or email.

During your 1-1 session with me, you may discuss all topics in the lesson, and ask questions about content, assignments and suggested practices. Our sessions will include any combination of instruction, demonstration, discussion and sharing, and Q&A. 

You have an 8 month timeframe in which to complete the course, although this is totally FLEXIBLE. If you require more time, just let me know during our first 1-1 session, or anytime thereafter if something comes up over the course of your program. If you are doing the "Crash Course on Magick & Ritual for The Lesser Experienced and The Rusty" BONUS LESSON, you have 9 months to complete the course, which again, is totally flexible. 

I want you to know that you are supported, and that your success with the materials and concepts you are learning is very important to me. This is why instead of teaching this course via only PDF or with videos or audios, I make myself available to you personally for LIVE 1-1 training and instruction for each and every lesson. Further, I welcome your questions and photos of your assignments, spells and altars between your 1-1 sessions. I am never out of reach.

I truly value the relationships I develop with my students. It is my hope to establish a warm and highly effective student-teacher relationship with you.  


page 2:  what is the format of this course?

All courses at The Magickal Path are hosted on a professional online teaching platform (your online classroom) to where you are automatically directed after completing your purchase. This platform is the virtual classroom where you will find all of your course content, downloadable media and other pertinent information.

Once you've enrolled, I will personally email you within 24 hours to welcome you to the course. You are free contact me as well.

During our first 1-1 session, you and I will get to know each other a bit, and I will also assess your level of magickal skill. It's not a test! But it's important for me to know this because it will determine if you would benefit from doing the "Crash Course on Magick & Ritual for The Lesser Experienced and The Rusty" BONUS LESSON before you start working with the planets. (There's no shame in being a new magician! New Witches and Magicians are the reason The Magickal Path School exists!)

Moving forward, each month for eight months, you will be notified that a new lesson (planet) has been released in your online classroom. For each of the 7 Classical Planets, you will spend one month 'immersed' in, and casting a spell with each one, and will have a live 1-1 session with me. 

You will receive a certificate of accomplishment after successful completion of all parts of this course.




what students are saying

I knew I wanted to study planetary magick from the moment I learned about it in the Way of the Witch: Witchcraft 101. The opportunity to develop a stronger relationship with planetary energies, to learn first-hand how and when to work with those energies in a way that fit my life and lifestyle, with Fiona’s guidance along the way, was beyond valuable. These lessons enhanced my relationship with the Divine, gave me a framework with which to work magick into my daily life, and helped me manifest massive changes for the better in my life. 

~Margaret McNellis, author, 'The Red Fletch'

I really like how Fiona presents STELLAR through the lens of Practical Magick, and her unique approach to learning how to "get to know the planets" is very powerful. I really felt connected to each planet I worked with, and I know I manifested things related to each one sometimes through spellwork, and other times without even trying! I think that is the best part about "developing a relationship with the planets", as Fiona calls it. Once you are in sync with and energetically aligned with a planet, it's like magick is happening all the time. I also enjoyed becoming quite good with candle magick. I am SO impressed, not just with this amazing course and Fiona, but also with MYSELF! I am astonished at what I've accomplished, what I've manifested, and what I am beginning to see manifest. And I really love the daily and weekly ritual practices. They are fun and easy to do, and actually are the best part of my day. I cannot recommend this course highly enough! 

~Andy K. 

Through STELLAR, I learned how to work with the planets and create an amazing magickal practice that I really love. I got so much from this course—not only a ton of magickal knowledge and skills, but also more confidence and personal power. I was very new to magick when I started this course and was worried it might be too advanced for me. But Fiona took me by the hand and guided me through. I am amazed by all I've learned and accomplished! I will continue on this journey with Fiona in her 101 next because I know there is so much more to Witchcraft than only doing magick, plus I want to keep on working 1-1 with her. I am really so grateful for Fiona's guidance. With my new magickal knowledge and skill, I am manifesting the life and witchy lifestyle I've always wanted. Thank you, Fiona! 

~Rita Z.

STELLAR has really helped me build out my witchcraft "toolbox" with knowledge and practices around planetary magick. I had always been curious about planetary magick but wasn't sure if it would completely resonate with me. I love how Fiona provides information and ideas that gave me a great foundation to shape working with each planet in my own personalized ways. This work has helped me find a new place to live and achieve really exciting things for my professional career. I'm always grateful for Fiona's guidance and mentorship!

Update: Jupiter really does bring so much abundance! The first day I started working with Jupiter doing the daily practices, I was thinking about the future and where I want to live. I didn't need to move, but my lease is month to month, so to feel more secure, I thought that maybe I should. I did a small spell to help me find a new home after I made Jupiter a clay medallion and some cookies as part of my ritual practice that first day. Well, the very next day my friend, out of the blue, sent me a listing for a townhouse rental. I immediately applied for it and out of 200 other applicants, I was chosen! And it's perfect, too! It's everything I've been wanting in a home. I am amazed by the power of the planets and through working with them, how my powers of attraction have boosted exponentially!  

~Robin Gow, Author: Ode to My First Car, A Million Quiet Revolutions, Blue Blood, Dear Mothman, Honeysuckle and Our Lady of Perpetual Degeneracy

~ You are committed to achieving life-altering magickal manifestations.

~ You have always been drawn to the stars and the cosmos—you feel the cosmic power calling but aren't sure how to begin. 

~ You want to learn how to perform intuitive magick with ease since the rules, memorization, and strict procedure of high ceremonial magick isn't quite for you.  

~ You love the idea of creating a simple, streamlined, and effective ritual practice that connects you with cosmic energies (and deities if you work with them), and that also makes you feel magickal, capable and confident. 

~ You are newer to or somewhat familiar with Magick; you've been reading and have cast simple to moderately complex spells, however you just aren't manifesting as you'd like to; you know there is so much more you can do.

~ You are tired of studying alone and want to be supported by an experienced Witch, Magician, AND Professional Educator - one that you can rely on, has your best interest at heart, and to develop a strong student-teacher coaching relationship with.  

~ You appreciate organization and structure and prefer a program of study that is academically formatted, yet is magickal in nature.

~ You are a Seeker with an open heart and open mind. This program is open to mature adults of any background and gender who are OVER 21 years of age. 

this Magick course is for you because...


2 monthly payments of $298.50 = $597

Upon purchase, you will be taken to a checkout page on the school's teaching platform. You will then be placed directly into your program's online classroom where you will have access to the Welcome Files (program information), Lesson 1, and instructions about how to set up your first 1-1 video session with me. When I receive notification of your enrollment from the system, I will personally reach out to you via email to welcome you to Stellar: Practical Planetary Magick for the Modern Witch, and The Magickal Path, LLC. 

Additionally, to keep you updated about your program and other school info, you will receive emails from me through either my personal email, the online classroom provider, and my newsletter through an email provider (but know that I will never flood in your inbox!)

The entire 8-month course with original curriculum based on my own grimoire and magickal practice, state-of-the-art classroom portal, the bonus "CRASH COURSE on Magick and Ritual for 'The Lesser Experienced and 'The Rusty'', complete with free extra month of study, and featuring 9 LIVE INSTRUCTION & COACHING sessions with me is just $597. Or save $20 off the full price with a single payment of $577. 

Please understand, because this program consists of digital content and real time spent with Fiona, we are unable to offer refunds. Once you have submitted payment, the sale is final. Please review Terms of Purchase link above. When enrolling in this course you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age.


Not Sure? Have questions about this course? Email me now!

click to request your enrollment link

Purchasing this course indicates you have read and agree to the terms of purchase in this link. click here to access it.


$298.50 x 2

I can't wait to work with you again and guide you on the next part of your magickal journey! ~Fiona


click to request your enrollment link


3 monthly payments of $199 = $597

click to request your enrollment link

$199 x 3


STELLAR: Practical Planetary Magick for the Modern Witch





Because you must be a graduate of either WAY OF THE WITCH 1-1 Coaching or Independent Solo Study to sign up for STELLAR, enrollment links are not active. Please click a request link below and I will email the enrollment link to you within 24 hours.  

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the magickal path, LLC | copyright 2023 all rights reserved

terms, conditions, disclaimer

all  text throughout this website, Including every course, program or free offer, are copyright protected
and may not be used or reproduced, in part or in whole, without express written permission