The Magickal Path, LLC ~ Central Valley, New York
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
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(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
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~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
SAVE $50!
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
(single pmt option)
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Eclipses can provoke our most painful or problematic shadows to surface. In this post you will discover the magick of eclipses and the amazing personal transformation that can happen through healing shadows.
Wisdom, which is different from mere knowledge, is the witch’s true superpower, and the defining measure of the depth and efficacy of any witchcraft practice. Wisdom enables us to see things from unclouded perspectives. It allows us to see beyond our emotions and the ‘baggage’ we carry. With wisdom comes the clarity of knowing when to act upon something, and when it’s best to retreat.
Eclipses, both lunar and solar, happen several times a year. The wise witch takes advantage of this powerful cosmic energy with shadow work and magick, knowing it can heal persistent shadows. Doing this work dissolves energetic blocks and the cycles of pain and negative behavior patterns that keep them stuck and unhappy.
Healing shadows is paramount in order to find success not only in your magickal practice, but in your life, because psychological blocks, emotional pain and negative behavior patterns will always interfere with your magick. Releasing shadows frees you to be a magickal, empowered and truly sovereign witch. It also just makes you a happier person!
There are two ways of approaching eclipse and shadow magick. Where you currently are in your healing journey is the determining factor in choosing whether to address your shadows or not at any given time. There is no wrong, brave or cowardly approach or choice here. The following suggestions are based solely on how you feel and what you feel ready for. Be a wise witch and choose what is right for you at this time.
Think about what’s been going in your life and happening frequently. You really won’t have to break your head thinking about it. It will be clear because you are likely often upset over it or complaining about it. For example, what is that thing that constantly happens and leaves you wondering why? Why are you stuck in a rut, surviving well enough but unable to reach the next level? Why aren’t you flourishing in any given area of your life? What is that ‘pain point’ you keep experiencing time and again? Now is the time to call out the shadows that rule these situations (work on one shadow per eclipse please!), and with love and non-judgment, ask them what they are protecting you from. Meditate on this at your altar (candles lit, incense burning) and be ready for your soul to speak to you.
The wise witch understands that shadows are nothing more than the psyche’s ‘bodyguards’ whose sole mission is to protect us from ever having to re-experience whatever it was that hurt us so much from ever happening again. When seeing the shadow from this perspective, it’s easier to understand how it’s just trying to help us, even though in reality it’s keeping us stuck.
To heal a shadow, it must be released from your unconscious mind and reintegrated into your conscious mind. Thank it for protecting you in the best way it knew how with love and gratitude. Visualize what this shadow looks like and embrace it, even if it’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever seen or felt. Feel into the love you have for this shunned part of yourself (this is what a shadow is—a fragmented part of your soul and psyche) and allow it to dissolve into you, reintegrating with the ‘whole’ of you.
After doing the meditative visualization described here, back up the work you just did. Cast a shadow releasing spell with a black candle. The intention is for the particular shadow to leave your unconscious mind and reintegrate, fully accepted with love and gratitude, with your conscious ‘whole’ self. Only work with one specific shadow at a time because the magick and healing lies in identifying the particular shadow and fully accepting it through reintegration.
Shadow work and magick is not about accepting whatever it was that happened that created the shadow. It’s about accepting that it happened because you cannot change the past, and are no longer willing to allow it to have a hold on you. Doing this is an act of stepping into your power and reclaiming what was taken.
There is a phrase, “Let sleeping dogs lie”. I say the same can be said for shadows. This is because sometimes we just aren’t ready to handle a particular shadow. It isn’t cowardice or denial to avoid shadow work and shadow magick if you feel you aren’t ready for it.
Witchy wisdom is knowing when to act and when to retreat for your own good.
It’s wise to refrain from shadow work and magick when the event or trauma that created a particular shadow may still be too raw and painful. We must process and adjust to life as we now know (and feel it) before we are actually able to face whatever it was that happened, along with the shadow this event created.
It’s really helpful to find a good therapist to work with, particularly one who is versed in Jungian Therapy or even Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Needing a qualified person to talk to doesn’t mean you are crazy, it means you are hurt and need help. There is certainly no shame in that, only courage.
I personally did DBT to address deep trauma and believe me when I tell you, the experience ramped up my magickal abilities and powers of attraction exponentially, and brought my witchcraft practice to a whole new level. Healing shadows cleared the energetic, emotional and psychological blocks that were holding me back in my life, relationships, career and magickal practice. If I hadn’t have done the work, I’d never be where I am today—full of gratitude, deeply loved, financially solvent, loving my career running The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, and working 1-1 with my students in Way of the Witch.
You now know that eclipses can provoke our most painful or problematic shadows to surface. If possible, stay home from work and make the day all about you. Do your witchy altar work practices. Take a healing ritual bath with your favorite herbs, oils and crystals. Do some kitchen witchery and make your favorite meal and enchant it with love and TLC for yourself. Do some witchy crafts: create magickal oils and herb blends, make a besom (broom) or plan the next sabbat you will be observing. Spend time in nature. Snuggle up with your fur babies (or your human ones) and take a nap, or read a good witchy book. Do anything you find comforting and nurturing, and treat it as an act of magick, self-love, and personal empowerment. Avoid crowds, social gatherings and people who trigger you if at all possible.
If you feel your emotions (shadows) begin to surface, these magickal suggestions will surely help you to stabilize and feel better.
Will you invite a shadow to show itself, or will you retreat and nurture yourself? How will you be a wise witch when the next eclipse arrives?
Post your comments and share the shadow magick and work you will do. Tell me your plan and ask for tips and suggestions so you can successfully navigate the next eclipse, heal your shadows, improve your life and happiness, and really begin the process of owning your power.
Fiona Duncan is the Creatrix of The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, Conscious Spirituality & Personal Transformation. She holds a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and is New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. She is a retired NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. Her professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching, and Curriculum Development.
In her spiritual and magickal life, Fiona is a seasoned Practical Magician, Reiki Master and is a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. She is not the type to be drawn to witchy ‘woo’, but rather, she practices and teaches Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in equal measure.
Fiona’s favorite thing in the world is teaching and coaching new and intermediate Witches in her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 A Comprehensive ‘Year and a Day’ Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft, available in monthly 1-1 coaching, independent study with personal email support, and self-paced formats.
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