The Magickal Path, LLC ~ Central Valley, New York
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
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Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona (OR)
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona (OR)
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
Gear up cosmic witches! Jupiter is transiting through Taurus, and has the potential to seriously uplevel your life, from May 2023 – May 2024.
* Image is a real-time photo taken at 9pm EDT June 5, 2023 via Skyview app for iPhone
Once every 12 years as Jupiter orbits through the solar system, it passes through the constellation Taurus.
No planet can put a more positive spin on things or be more responsible for granting favor than Jupiter. Taurus, the zodiac sign ruled by pleasure-loving Venus, and the one most related to money, finances, and material possessions, is all about the things that make life beautiful.
Between the resplendent and expansive qualities of Jupiter, and the material luxuriousness that is Taurus, this astrological duodenary transit is chock-full of sublime blessings for all, both magicians and muggles alike!
Read on and learn all about what this magickal cosmic transit means for you, and how you can make the most of it.
In astrology and magick, Jupiter is known as the ‘Planet of Plenty’ and ‘The Great Benefic’ of the solar system. In my own world and magickal practice, I lovingly call Jupiter, ‘Sugar Daddy’.
Jupiter is all about the lovely things in life that we desire: good luck; prosperity and abundance; blessings, optimism, humor, good will, generosity, happiness, joy, achievement; tolerance and mercy; mental growth and wisdom; and spiritual growth by expanding consciousness beyond the physical world.
Through Jupiter we experience benevolence and are empowered to reach, grow, acquire, improve and ascend!
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is pictured below in the bottom right corner. Jupiter is so big that all the other planets combined could fit inside of it, and generates even more heat than it receives from the Sun. This heat is created by the planet’s incredibly fast rotation which is so intense that it causes the planet to bulge near its equator. This relates to the magickal concept that Jupiter energy causes expansion.
In mythology, Jupiter is the Roman ruler of all the gods (Zeus is its Greek counterpart), and as such is also associated with law, sovereignty and authority. As a god, Jupiter is a symbol of honor, power, wisdom and good fortune. Also known as the ‘god of the sky’, Jupiter’s thunderbolt is not only a powerful weapon, it is a symbol of cosmic order that he alone commands.
Working with Jupiter was a watershed experience for me and literally changed my life. Through working with the planet consistently for several months, good fortune once again began to come my way after my life had turned upside down for a long period of time. The emotional toll it took on me was devastating.
However, being the stubborn Taurus x 5 that I am (a Taurus with five planets in Taurus) who never gives up and never gives in, I re-evaluated my witchcraft practice at that time and took stock of what was working and what wasn’t. I also dug deep into my magickal practice and started working with the planets, primarily Jupiter at first. I believe with everything in me that doing so is what saved me from permanent hardship, ill health and despair.
Perhaps you’ve already heard some of my ‘Jupiter stories’, including Jupiter giving me the idea to create The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft. Ultimately, and over not a very long period of time at all, Jupiter has gotten me to where and who I am now: a happy, healthy, empowered, and sovereign witch who is an online business owner, once again a homeowner, in a stable, loving long-term relationship and about to be married to my soul mate (that’s a really good story!), and no longer worried about my future or retirement. Thank you, Jupiter!
Tapping into Jupiter (whether you work with it as an energy, a god, or a combination of both) is probably the best magickal way to improve your current situation whatever it may be—from mundane everyday needs to the raising of consciousness.
What would you like to attract into your life with the ‘Great Benefic’, Jupiter?
Besides being all about connection (friends, family, business and romantic partners), Taurus is also about absorbing life through the five senses. It is the sign associated money, prosperity, business, material acquisitions, self-esteem, love, home, sensuality, sumptuous food, fertility, patience, gardening, farming, endurance, commitment, music, the arts, land, earth, real estate, physical strength, beauty and beautiful things, and pretty much all the material things in life that we’d like more of. Basically, Taurus makes life lovely and beautiful.
Jupiter’s year-long stay in Taurus can definitely help us generate some big material blessings.
The coming year is a powerful time to increase our financial assets, maximize our desire for sensual pleasure, and manifest more of all those wonderfully Taurean things we deeply and possibly even secretly desire.
We must remember though, that there is a flip side to all planets, and there really can be too much of a good thing, particularly if our shadow self is left unchecked. This is especially true if you are a Taurus, have Jupiter in Taurus (if so, you are having a Jupiter return this year), or if Taurus is your rising sign. I personally check two of these boxes–I’m Taurus with five planets in Taurus, and Jupiter is one of those planets that is in Taurus, making this year my Jupiter return.
Jupiter in Taurus could lead to hedonism, laziness and out-of-control materialism. It’ll be easy to overindulge in earthly delights during this time, so be sure to keep this in mind as the year progresses: watch your diet, skip that third glass of wine, stop smashing chocolate or chips into your face, and don’t give in to greed. As the ‘super Taurus’ that I am, I need to be especially careful not to overindulge (put down that pizza, Fiona, lol!), but so do we all. Note the ‘warning’ is not meant to worry you, but to educate you. Knowledge and consciousness is power, and puts you in control. So by knowing this, you are empowered to not be carried away by the shadow side of Jupiter.
On Jupiter’s brighter side, we have a full year to work with this potent brand of Taurean Jupiter magick, and maximizing on it is a must. And if you begin working Jupiter planetary magick at this time, you are positioning yourself to colossally benefit from Jupiter’s extraordinary gifts.
If your sun sign is Taurus or you were born with this ‘Jupiter in Taurus’ combination in your birth chart, it’s much like finding the ‘golden ticket in a chocolate bar’ and inheriting Wonka’s entire candy factory. You are in for an ultra-sweet time in your life!
Also at this time, Taureans are developing deep faith in themselves and their ability to manifest their magick in the material realm. Taurus people are feeling more confident and jovial during this transit as well. They will be experiencing immense personal growth, new opportunities, and an influx of good fortune.
Normally, fixed signs like Taurus aren’t inclined to taking risks, but for the next year, believe that luck (a true Jupiter energy) is on your side, so go ahead and take that leap of faith to manifest what you most deeply desire!
Jupiter is working in everyone’s favor right now whether you are a Taurus or not. If you are a Taurus, it’s going to feel more like Jupiter is on steroids for you. But even if you aren’t, you are still in for a world of good things!
To really capitalize on the gift of Jupiter energy this year and NOT leave your manifestations to chance, I highly recommend that you take control of this powerful cosmic force by working with it consciously and purposefully. Don’t just wait for things to happen. Be proactive. Set firm intentions and totally immerse yourself in the deliciously joyful juju that is Jupiter!
This is exactly we what do in STELLAR: Practical Planetary Magick for the Modern Witch, my 1-1 course where students learn how to draw in the energies of each planet to experience profound change in their lives, while at the same time bringing their magick and powers of attraction to new levels.
*Some Jupiter correspondences to use in your own Jupiter practice: purple candles, white sage (sustainably sourced), cinnamon, star anise, tonka bean, High John the Conqueror root, juniper berries, chestnuts, good coffee or tea, turquoise, amethyst.
To start working on your own with the ‘Great Benefic’ of our magickal solar system, do so on Thursdays during Jupiter’s hour through ritual, energy work and offerings. You will be astonished by the gifts that Jupiter brings!
Fiona Duncan is the Creatrix of The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, Conscious Spirituality & Personal Transformation. She holds a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and is New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. She is a retired NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. Her professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching, and Curriculum Development.
In her spiritual and magickal life, Fiona is a seasoned Practical Magician, Reiki Master and is a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. She is not the type to be drawn to witchy ‘woo’, but rather, she practices and teaches Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in equal measure.
Fiona’s favorite thing in the world is teaching and coaching new and intermediate Witches in her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 A Comprehensive ‘Year and a Day’ Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft, available in monthly 1-1 coaching, independent study with personal email support, and self-paced formats.
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