The Magickal Path, LLC ~ Central Valley, New York
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
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Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
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(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
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~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
SAVE $50!
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
(single pmt option)
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
WHY MAGICK FAILS: Your Vibration… You spent weeks preparing a really important spell, one that meant a lot and that you were counting on to work. The moon was in the right phase and the right astrological sign. You waited for the right day of the week and even the right planetary hour. Candles, oils, and herbs all corresponded perfectly. You even wrote your own kick-ass spell and your sigil was a masterpiece you were sure that neither your unconscious mind or the Cosmos could ignore. Everything was perfect, every detail tended to. You did everything right… Or so you thought.
A lot of time passed and nothing happened. Nothing changed, no noticeable synchronicities to indicate your goal is unfolding and on its way. You are left wondering why magick fails, and more specifically, why your magick fails!
Spell-craft is a blend of art, science and experience. However, it doesn’t solely rely upon all the witchy trappings we love so much.
Yes, timing, spells and materia magica bolster our power. These magickal elements absolutely rev our mojo and help us to focus our psychic minds. Our spells, rituals, magickal tools, and all the correspondences we use from the natural world are likely what drew us to Witchcraft to begin with. They lured us onto our magickal paths by whispering their secrets to our souls, bewitching us with the possibilities their magick held. We became enthralled with our magickal tools and our rituals, helplessly captivated by their mysteries. They make us feel as if we ourselves are magick—and that is because we are.
But that is all they do. Our spells, rituals and paraphernalia are not what make our magick happen. We do. We are the real source and energy behind our manifestations… or lack thereof. It is our own energy that needs to be working for us and not against us.
There are 6 critical factors that you absolutely must be aware of, in sync with, and doing something about in order to successfully achieve your magickal goals. All the magick spells, master root and fly devil oil in the world won’t make what you want appear (or disappear) unless you are in control of these factors. We must understand why our magick fails, and look within to discover it.
Fortunately, times are changing and we are beginning to really understand energy and its quantum application in our daily lives. We are coming to understand that in order to expand our spirit and consciousness into the Universe, we must first traverse the territory within–we must understand how our own energy influences our manifestations. We have to reach beyond our treasured magick ingredients, masterfully crafted incantations, and charting perfect lunar and astrological alignment.
There is much involved in understanding why magick fails, that it can, and often does, despite how much ‘Witchy work’ we’ve put into it.
The 6 critical factors are your vibration, your will, unconscious shadows, your mundane pathways, innate ethics and your karma. The focus of this post is your ‘vibration’.
Our unconscious mind is what creates reality as we know it–we are always doing ‘magick,’ 24/7. Our thoughts, and more specifically, our emotions, are what generate the vibrations that we emanate, which in turn, are continually returned to us by the Universe as the events or situations that we experience. How successful is the magick that you are perpetually making? Part of the answer lies in the question, “How high is your vibration?”
Here’s an example: You long for love. You deeply desire to meet the person of your dreams, someone to share your life with, someone who will love you intensely and genuinely. While there is nothing wrong with that, problems can arise depending upon the emotion this desire conjures in you.
If lacking love in your life creates feelings of longing in you, it is that negative emotion that is keeping you from finding it. This is because you are emanating the energy of lack, and in turn, this is what the Universe returns to you. It is your own energy that sets you up to remain in a persistent cycle of lack and longing, preventing you from attaining what you desire.
The Universe responds to what you vibrate energetically because energy is the only language that the Universe speaks. It does not hear the words no, not, doesn’t, isn’t, etc., because it can only understand and respond to the energetic vibration your emotions resonate. So if you are casting spells and using the wrong words and ruminating on thoughts and emotions such as, “I don’t want to be lonely,” or “I want a partner who isn’t a jerk,” guess what? “I want to be lonely” and “Please bring me another jerk!” are what you are placing custom orders for.
Conversely, if hope and belief in knowing that the perfect version of what you desire already is, that sense of surety results in feelings of peace and gratitude. The energy of these emotions emit very high vibrations, and the Universe responds just as efficiently to your positive transmissions as it does your negative ones.
This is the Law of Attraction at its core: the concept of like attracts like, which is an extensive topic in and of itself. Unfortunately, the LoA is often looked upon as ‘fluffy-bunny and unicorns’ New Age-y stuff that doesn’t qualify as a hardcore component in magick. I get that. I’m not a great fan of ‘rainbows and unicorns’ myself because failing to balance ‘light’ with vital ‘dark’ hinders growth. However, just because a particular spiritual movement seems to have shanghaied the concept, it doesn’t mean that we should ignore it. Sectarian views such as this do a disservice to your spiritual and personal growth, as well as your magickal practice.
The Law of Attraction is a critical underpinning in why magick fails because it is the juice that fuels your personal and psychic power. Understanding the LoA and doing what it takes to shift your current less-than-magickal vibration is the first order of business in fixing your broken mojo.
The way to change your vibration is to first change your thoughts. Changing your thoughts changes your emotions, which then changes the energy you are vibrating out to the Universe.
Your current vibration is the resonated energy of whatever your current emotion is. You also habitually vibrate the energies of the emotions you feel on a regular basis. If you are chronically cranky, angry or depressed, the lower vibrations of these emotions are what you are transmitting much of the time. Conversely, if you catch yourself and take efforts to change your feelings, your vibrations rise. If you are one of the fortunate ones who is chipper, optimistic and content most of the time, well, lucky you! You don’t have to make the effort as often as the rest of us do.
Optimally, you want to consistently maintain higher levels of vibration. This is a no-brainer, because if you are consistently emitting high vibrations, it means you are consistently feeling really good! Whenever you feel gratitude, joy, love–any positive emotion, you are not only happier, you are actively raising your vibration, and therefor increasing your magickal ability.
So it’s a win-win to do all you can to raise your current levels of vibration. You win because the Universe is now able to respond to your spell work and life situations in the ways you want. You also win because it just feels good! I mean, who doesn’t want to feel happy and joyful, right?
Well, easier said than done! I’m reading your thoughts right now…
I am not saying that the techniques below are an instant fix, but they are very doable–if you don’t resist them! Just as Witchcraft is a practice, so are these methods.
Below is an overview of a few magickal and non-magickal techniques that are great magick-fixers. I’ve used them myself to help fix my own mojo and highly recommend you give them a shot. They involve no eye of newt or bubbling cauldrons, but they do pack quite the energetic punch!
Cultivate Gratitude
Feeling gratitude is a powerful way to raise your vibration. When you are immersed in the emotion of gratitude, you no longer have the internal space to feel negativity. So, essentially, when you are feeling grateful for everything in your life, there is literally no room to feel anything else. Because gratitude is such a positive emotion, it causes you to emanate a very high vibration.
If you don’t think you have anything to be grateful for, just look around you. How would you feel if your home was gone, or your dog? How would it be if you didn’t have electricity or clean water to drink or bathe with? The things to be grateful for are many. Open your eyes and appreciate how blessed you are. Just turn on the news and see how others are suffering all over the world (this is the one and only instance where comparing yourself to others might be helpful).
Daily Practice: Each day, write at least three things that you are grateful for on your calendar or in a diary specially for this purpose. They do not have to be monumental things. What you are grateful for can be anything–even just a breeze that causes your wind chimes to ting. Write down what made you happy, a kindness you were shown, an unexpected surprise. Anything goes. If you can muster even the tiniest speck of gratitude for it, go for it! In time, this practice will develop into a habit that will train you to find joy even in the most minuscule of mundane things. What a happy life and high vibration you will have!
Distract Yourself–Have Fun, Feed Your Soul!
When you find yourself in a less-than-optimal mood, it’s a good idea to try to shift those emotions right away. I’m not saying that you should avoid dealing with any emergencies that come up, or to stuff your feelings. Processing emotions is different than habitual vibration-lowering negative thinking and ruminating. I’m also not saying to ignore any trauma, PTSD, severe anxiety or depression symptoms that you may be struggling with either. If you are, and are not working with an amazing therapist, do it! Click the link on the bottom of the page to check out an amazing therapist that I highly recommend (I worked with him for three years and life has completely changed!)
So when you are feeling bored, irritated, pissed off, sad, cranky (many of us live our lives this way!)… When you’re having a hard time seeing what’s good around you, I recommend you engage in an activity that will shift your thoughts away from what is troubling you. It can be anything you enjoy doing that is healthy and life-affirming (no tequila shots at the local watering hole!) Do something that feeds your soul and your witchiness! Decide if solitude or companionship is what you need in the given moment when deciding your thought-shifting activity. The more you actively take efforts to shift your thoughts and change your emotions, the more you will empower your magick and be able to manifest the things you want.
Here are some witchy and not-so witchy examples of what I do when my inner witch becomes my inner bitch:
- study witchcraft—read, practice, create your magickal space, seek out fellow Witches to study and hang out with
- learn a healing modality such as reiki, massage, shiatsu, acupuncture, reflexology, herbalism, nutrition, etc
- shift your energy—get a reiki treatment, soul retrieval or other energy work session(s)
- create a sacred altar—intuitively design it anyway you like
- ground yourself—use healing crystals such as black tourmaline to pull vibration-lowering, heavy, gunky emotions out of you
- go on a treasure hunt—make a list of metaphysical and antique shops in your area and find some new witchy treasures for your sacred space and Witchcraft practice
- meet a friend for lunch—reaching out to a trusted friend can be like balm to your soul (avoid people who drag you down or will aggravate you further!)
- make new friends who are aligned with your way of thinking and spirituality—attend Meetups (, join Facebook groups, work with Venus on Fridays to attract new friendships and strengthen or heal current ones
- garden—nurture the Green Witch within and grow your own magical herbs in pots or in the ground; grow flowers for your altars and as offerings in prayer, worship and magick
- start a project—jar and label those magick herbs that are stuffed in plastic bags in a drawer, organize your magickal learning and sacred space, etc
- attune with natural energies—visit an animal sanctuary or botanical garden
- physically shift your energy—do yoga, hike, bike, walk (or do magick!) in nature or other place you enjoy
- pet therapy—play with your fur babies
- meditate—in a group, with an audio tape, on your own
- enjoy art—visit a gallery, museum, learn a technique, practice your art or craft
- socialize—meet friends for dinner, dancing, etc
- read that novel or other book you’ve been too busy to hunker down into
- bake something yum and share it with others
- entertain in your home—dinner, lunch, cocktails
- host a witch’s sabbat or Full Moon candle ritual
- attend a sabbat: some witch/spiritual shops host them—seek them out!
- take a class in anything that you have been wanting to learn (a foreign language, music, dance, tarot, etc)
- get a massage, facial or pedicure
- decorate your home, office, business space in a way that speaks to you
- binge on Netflix (ONLY if you are REALLY miserable or are physically sick! TV is a mind-numbing magick-killer and should be as carefully portioned out as that gallon of ice cream in your freezer!)
- your ideas:
Fiona Duncan is the Creatrix of The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, Conscious Spirituality & Personal Transformation. She holds a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and is New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. She is a retired NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. Her professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching, and Curriculum Development.
In her spiritual and magickal life, Fiona is a seasoned Practical Magician, Reiki Master and is a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. She is not the type to be drawn to witchy ‘woo’, but rather, she practices and teaches Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in equal measure.
Fiona’s favorite thing in the world is teaching and coaching new and intermediate Witches in her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 A Comprehensive ‘Year and a Day’ Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft, available in monthly 1-1 coaching, independent stu
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