Spirit of Blackbird: Transmuting Fear in Uncertain Times

SPIRIT OF BLACKBIRD: Transmuting Fear in Uncertain Times

  1. Lorraine says:

    Awesome reading thank you for sharing this insight. Very helpful for me. I’ve been acknowledging my feelings to myself and today I was /am still just angry. I feel angry about this place we’re in. I don’t like this. I’ll get past it, I’m journaling it all but it’s just awful seeing everything closed, forever maybe changed temporary I don’t know. Thank you Fiona ♥️

    • Fiona Duncan says:

      Hi Lorraine!

      Your emotions are completely understandable. It’s not a good time and so many are suffering–if not from the virus itself, but in other ways, such as loss of income, social isolation, the stress of worrying about where the next germ may be lurking, and more.

      Give yourself all the time you need to process your anger. It’s ok to feel it. If you really stop to examine the root of your fears (not just the obvious surface ones like the virus and the panic it is causing) and go deeper, you will likely uncover some deep truths and gain a lot of clarity and new perspectives about yourself. The trick with sitting with your emotions is to remember to keep processing them so you can move beyond them and not get stuck. I think the 6 steps outlined in the blog are a good place to start because it will help you to process the heavier, negative energies you are feeling.

      Most important to remember is to be kind and patient with yourself. Show yourself compassion. We are going through a very intense time right now, so give yourself plenty of latitude but as I’ve mentioned, don’t get stuck in the negative emotions. I highly recommend that you continue with your usual altar work and other meditation and grounding practices you have in place, in conjunction with the recommendations in the blog. At times like this, we need to lean further into our spirituality more than ever to ground us, center us, and get us through.

  2. Donna McDine says:

    Hi Fiona,

    Your post has come at the perfect time. Just the other day my backyard was filled with black birds. It was quite the scene and I captured it on video. The details of the post are truly fascinating. Thank you with love and light, Donna

    • Fiona Duncan says:

      Hello Donna!

      I agree, the timing is incredible, and it’s no accident. I feel that those of us who are highly intuitive and sensitive to energy (like us Witches, lol) are being called upon by Spirit to help calm things down in the world, each in our own special way. However, we cannot do this if we, ourselves, are in crisis. So, Sprit has been sending beautiful Blackbird to us–an energetic facet of the Divine which embodies the essence of transformation and transmutation, to help us calm and soothe what is churning inside. This is why so many people in the school’s Facebook group are responding to this post about how they, too, are having ‘meaningful’ or unusual blackbird sightings and visitations, just as you and I have. None of it is an accident or coincidence.

      How are you faring, Donna? Have you been able to be at peace during these past troubled days?

  3. Vicki says:

    Thank you so much! I have done some of what you say. Sometimes by the end of the day I just dont have the energy to cope with this anymore. I know I will feel better in the morning, but I needed to read these wise words right now. I will sleep a little better. 💜💜💜

    • Fiona Duncan says:

      Vicki, thank you so much for letting me know this helped you. I am so happy that in my own small way I am helping others during this more than difficult time. Sometimes when things seem completely out of control and we have done all that we can, well, there really isn’t anything left to do but make peace with the situation. What other choice is there, given nothing more can be done? Just keep doing all the practical measures you need to do to keep you and your family safe, and then take care of YOU by finding a place of peace so you can regain your equilibrium. Feel free to contact me through this post or email if you need to. Be well and stay well.

  4. Alexandra says:

    Thank you for writing this piece. Completely and utterly needed to see the reminders in writing to pause, let go of the anxieties and fears caused by pretending I have control over much of things that I actually don’t, and to surrender to the universe so I can soak up light energy instead and continue on my journey. I appreciate you.

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