The Magickal Path, LLC ~ Central Valley, New York
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
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Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
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~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
I am Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path. I love billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.
I created The Magickal Path because what I love most is empowering people to find their magick and transform their lives.
Fiona Duncan
WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101
Special Discount Offer
Comprehensive Course & Coaching Program in the Spiritual, Magickal and Esoteric Practices of Eclectic Witchcraft
(13) 1-1 Coaching Sessions with Fiona (OR)
Independent 'Solo Study' w/Email Support
~Craft a real, bespoke, and highly effective witchcraft practice that supports your life and goals ~Learn the art and science of doing life-changing magick ~Harness your own energy, the key to your magickal and personal power ~Connect with spirit and understand your path and your purpose ~Live in sync with the rhythms and energies of nature ~Practice your own personalized year of Sabbat celebrations
Begin Your Magickal Journey Now!
19 Types of Witchcraft: ‘Which Witch are you? You’ve heard the phrases before: green witch, hedge witch, kitchen witch, and more. But what do they really mean, and what do those who practice these types of Witchcraft actually do? My Witchcraft 101 students are often surprised when they discover there are so many types of Witchcraft they could incorporate into their Eclectic practices.
One of the best parts of being an Eclectic Witch is the freedom it provides. That is because there are no rules in the way you practice Eclectic Witchcraft. There are only guidelines to help you find and develop the practices that resonate with you. In Eclectic Witchcraft, YOU create your own one-of-a-kind spiritual and magickal path. Sure, you do have to play by some rules, such as general energetic principles (we may be able to change a lot things, but physics isn’t one of them). But HOW you work with energetic principles in your practice is totally up to you. And that means you are free to weave as many types of Witchcraft into your practice as you like! Read on to discover some of the types of Witchcraft that you can incorporate into your practice.
Here is a handy list of the most common types of Witchcraft you may find yourself practicing as a Witch. Which do you already practice? Which ones interest you most? Will you try to learn them? Also think about the types that don’t interest you and the reason why.
The Eclectic path is unique to each Witch, and every Eclectic Witch’s practice is singularly their own. As mentioned, freedom is the operative word in Eclectic Witchcraft. It has no set practices or traditions, yet it is by no means a hodgepodge of practices. Eclectic Witchcraft is a carefully curated compilation of time-honored, globally referenced magickal, spiritual and occult practices that have great meaning and resonance to the individual Witch. These practices can include elements of Shamanism, Reiki, Yoga and Eastern philosophy, Buddhism, any of the many types of magickal practices, occult practices such as ceremonial magick, psychism, mediumship, any form of divination, the types of Witchcraft you will learn about in this post, veneration of deities or not, spirit work, spiritual work, and more.
Also, because every Eclectic Witch ‘rides their own broom’ so to speak, there is no dogma or hierarchy in Eclectic Witchcraft. The Eclectic path may be spiritually based or purely secular. It is truly the most liberating of all Witchcraft practices because it allows every Witch to be their unique, authentic self. What could be more empowering?
This type of Witchcraft is an ancient form of magick contingent upon communicating with one’s ancestors. Ancestral Witches heavily on their ancestors’ guidance, protection and aid in magical workings. While many modern Witches tend to honor their ancestors around Samhain, Ancestral Witches honor their ancestors daily, year-round.
Reminiscent of magickal workings found in ancient grimoires, the Golden Dawn and Thelemic practices, an Angel Witch is one that invokes, communicates, and works with angels. Sometimes the angels are the Witch’s spirit guides. Other times they are angels that the Witch has had vivid, visceral and definitive experiences with. They can also just be angels that the Witch wants to work with for specific purposes. Angel Witches also work with angels that they just has a natural affinity with. Cultivating a deep relationship with an angel can be a very powerful and meaningful part of a Witch’s practice.
Ceremonial Magick lies on the fringes of what is considered Witchcraft. Its practice is considered more the domain of the Magician or Sorcerer than it is the Witch. Ceremonial Witchcraft is a blending of aspects of the Low Magick traditionally used by Witches over the centuries, and of High Ritual Magick. In Ceremonial Magick, spirits and entities are often invoked to assist the magician or Witch with their spells. It is a highly structured ritual and magickal practice.
This practice is the least intuitive and spontaneous of all the magicks. However, for some, its structure and deliberate nature is highly empowering. If a Witch likes to memorize and enact rituals (perfect for the Witch who loves drama and performing), this can be a powerful practice. If you are more spontaneous, hate following procedure, and consider it a chore to memorize even your own phone number, this is not the path for you. Lastly, if invoking angels or other spirits is not your thing, then this really isn’t for you!
Cosmic Witches work with the cosmos and celestial energies, and is a wider variant of the Lunar Witch. It is a deeper lunar practice and reaches beyond the usual employment of lunar phases. Star or Cosmic Witches also incorporate astrological and zodiacal timing into their mundane lives and their spell work. Planetary magick falls into to this category as well, if not performed in a Ceremonial manner. Any spellcasting method (candles, poppets, sigils, etc) can be used in Cosmic Witchcraft, making it a very flexible magickal practice. The Cosmic Witch is also interested in astrology and feels a connection to space and the stars.
A Crystal Witch is one that works with stones for healing, energy work and magick. Some energy practices include reiki, chakra balancing and meditation. Many of us just love to decorate our homes and sacred spaces with them, too. The Crystal Witch will have extensive knowledge in, or a deep interest in stones and crystals. They know how to identify them and what their healing and magickal properties are. Are you drawn to crystals? How many do you have? How do you use them?
Dream Witches heavily integrate dreamwork practices into both their Craft and mundane lives. They do so to better understand themselves, heal past traumas, and as a form of divination. The Dream Witch may travel the etheric plane through astral projection (closely linked with the Hedge Rider). They may divine through precognitive dreams, and interpret matters of importance through dream symbolism as well. The use of entheogens (see Hedge Rider) may also be incorporated into this practice in order to induce deeper states of dream consciousness.
Elemental Witchery is a very old form of the Craft. Early Folk Healers and Folk Magicians understood the power of the Elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. They observed how those forces influenced the comfort and safety of their daily lives through everyday contact with them: fire for warmth and cooking, water for drinking and farming, the earth on which they lived and farmed upon, and the air in which they breathed. The weather, the seasons, and other occurrences such as natural disasters also played a role in how folk healers and magicians came to understand the power of the Elements. Instinctively, they began to incorporate these energies into their magickal and ritual workings.
The Elemental Witch may also establish relationships or connections with Elementals. These are spirits/energies that are attuned with, or composed of, one of the Elements. Fairies, Divas, Undines, Green Man, etc.) are examples. Elemental Witches work with them for the purposes of veneration and reciprocity of favor. This Witch is very similar to the Nature Witch (see below), as the practice is pretty much identical.
Witches may work with the Elements equally, or they may favor one particular Element that they personally identify with. For example, a Water Witch (Sea Witch) has strong ties to bodies of water such as oceans, lakes and rivers. The Water Witch may scry with water and love to do bath magick. Favored magickal and decorative objects are sand, shells, driftwood, or other natural objects that are found near water. The Water Witch will also collect jars of sea, storm, snow (stored in the freezer), river and spring water. They love the beach, lakeshores and the riverfront. Water Witches are drawn to all things aquatic including sea life, and find the energy of water and water environments not only healing, but powerful places of magick.
Earth Witchery is a nature-centric Witchcraft practice based around old European traditions. These traditions center on harmony with the earth. A devout reverence is expressed for Mother Earth. Very often this is the Witch who lives as naturally and as close to Nature as possible. Environmentalism may be a central focus in the Earth Witch’s practice, but Earth Magick is the Earth Witch’s strength. The Earth Witch uses many botanicals, stones and other natural items the Earth provides to do magick with. They often work with Gaia, the Earth goddess of the Greek pantheon, to invoke her energies in spellwork that benefits and heals all aspects of Nature.
Air Witches feel a strong connection to Air Element and all things connected to it such as birds, feathers, wind instruments, chimes, and weather (wind).
These Witches feel deep connection to all things pertaining to fire, such the Sun and stars, candles and candle magick, bonfires, fireplaces and fire magick. Fire is the Element of transformation, and is associated with illumination, health, strength and creativity.
The Energy Witch is one who has a firm grasp of energy manipulation. This Witch does not need to rely upon the physical tools and supplies Witches usually use in their spellcasting. Instead, they use the power of their minds and the energy in their bodies. They may also use Divine energy that they drawn down from Source, as well as energies drawn down from planets. This type of Witchcraft is also known as mental magick.
Green Witches are deeply connected to the Earth and its energy. They are drawn to plants, trees and flowers of all kinds. The Green Witch is all about their botanicals, whether they be live plants, herbs, oils, resins, barks, seeds, fruit or flowers. Often, but not always, they grow their own herbs and flowers for use in their homes, kitchens and magick. A Green Witch may have a full garden or just a few pots on their city apartment windowsill. They will often know and use the plants in their local environment as well. The Green Witch loves the Earth and Nature, and is where much of their magick and spirituality are rooted. These Witches may be herbalists and healers, and are always magicians, casting their spells using botanicals of all kinds.
A Hedge Rider is a highly psychic Witch who journeys through the veil to the other side through a practice commonly called hedge jumping. Hedge Witches can communicate with the spirit world through astral projection, trance and divination. They use special flying ointments and other entheogens to help shift their consciousness so they may cross to the otherworld. Some even say the Witch’s actual spirit is what crosses over while their body remains tethered to the Physical Plane. A big part of Hedge Riding is being a master diviner. Some may also be healers of spirit versus healers of the physical body.
Hedge Riders are usually also Green or Hedge Witches. But what makes a Witch specifically a Hedge Rider is their ability to cross the hedge. The hedge is the boundary between this world and the spirit world. It is believed that the ‘flying on a broomstick’ legend is based on Hedge Witches flying into the spirit realm.
*Note: do not experiment with entheogens without proper training from a qualified herbalist or hedge rider.
Kitchen Witches, Tea Witches and Hearth or Cottage Witches, are very home-centric individuals. They can be extremely nurturing, and they love to make their home a special and sacred space. For this Witch, home is their sanctuary and welcome into it any and all of kind heart and intent.
Kitchen Witches love to concoct all kinds of culinary delights as they literally stir their magick into each dish. These Witches may have a good bit of Green Witch in them as well, growing their own herbs and vegetables for their magickal, gastronomical, and decorative creations. This kitchen magician combines their own magickal energy with the natural energies of the oils, herbs and foods they work with. The Kitchen Witch can turn a simple meal into a magickal plate of healing and manifestation!
In Cottage or Hearth witchery in particular, magick is weaved or imbued into mundane tasks. Cleaning, home repairs and improvements, and even hobbies or crafts are all done with magickal intent.
The Tea Witch is a variant of the Kitchen Witch and Green Witch, but is also a tea aficionado! The Tea Witch blends their own teas, infusions, remedies and decoctions for healing and magick. They also blend teas just for enjoyment as well. The Tea Witch is usually skilled in tasseomancy. Tasseomancy is a divination method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments.
A Hereditary Witch is born into Witchcraft; it is part of their family’s lineage. Magick and practices are unique to each family and are passed from generation to generation. However, a Hereditary Witch may work with their own individual practices in conjunction with, or instead of, their family’s. Being born into the Craft does not automatically make a person a Witch. Practicing Witchcraft is what makes one a Witch.
All Witches are Lunar Witches to varying degrees. Pretty much all Witches live and practice magick aligned with the phases of the Moon. The Lunar Witch is also very likely in relationship with the Moon, and may connect with it through a deities. Luna, Selene and Diana are examples of Lunar goddesses. Lunar Witches may also connect with the Moon simply through energetic resonance. Those who venerate the Triple Goddess may also be considered Lunar Witches. The Triple Moon is a Goddess symbol that represents the Maiden (waxing moon), Mother (full moon) and Crone (waning moon). The Moon is also associated with feminine energy, mystery, and psychic abilities, and plays a prominent role throughout all types of Witchcraft.
Nature Witches are those who regularly work with their local Nature Spirits in spells and rituals. Sometimes they can also be part of an overall gratitude and offerings practice. These Witches connect with Nature to be in relationship with it through the Elementals. Elementals are spirits that are attuned with, or composed of, one of the classical elements: air, earth, fire and water. Fairies, Divas, Undines, Sylphs, Green Man, etc, are examples of Nature Spirits that are linked to particular Elements. Relationship with Elementals is also created in order to be granted good favor by them. The practice is done in reciprocity, an offering of thanks, appreciation and gratitude in exchange for protection and provision.
A Witch who walks the Poison Path works with poisonous botanicals. It is a branch of esoteric or occult herbalism, and the point of the practice is spiritual growth. These plants are considered magickal allies and aid in the alchemical process of transcending mundane consciousness in order to gain higher or esoteric knowledge. Poison Path Witches make salves and teas from microdoses of these toxic plants. Belladonna, henbane and mandrake are some examples.
*Note: do not experiment with entheogens without proper training from a qualified herbalist or Poison Path practitioner.
Secular Witches cast spells without attaching spirituality to their practice. For some, their interest is only in the magickal aspects of Witchcraft. However, a Secular Witch can be very spiritual outside of their magickal practice, keeping both practices completely separate. Specifically, the magick of the Secular Witch relies upon their own energy/power and the magickal correspondences they are using. Deities, angels, spirit guides, etc are not called upon, as they are spiritual beings.
This type of Witchcraft is a culturally based Craft practice rooted in the ‘old ways’ of a specific culture. Traditional Witches take a historical (traditional) approach to their practice, incorporating the folklore, deities, and methods of spell-casting which were unique to their given culture into their practice. They may infuse Ancestral or Hereditary practices into their Traditional path as well. The key elements which form a Traditional Path are: working with magick (both black and white), working with spirits in the Otherworld, and connecting with nature/the natural landscape. British, Celtic, African, Italian, European and Norse Traditional Witchcraft are all examples of various Traditional paths of Witchcraft.
This is a Witch who practices one of the many traditions of Wicca. Wicca is a Neo-Pagan, earth-centric, twentieth century religion that also practices Witchcraft. Wicca and Witchcraft are two separate paths.
To be a Witch does not mean you are Wiccan and vice versa, however a person can certainly be both.
Wiccan Witches practice their craft either as part of a coven, or as a Solitary. Covens are hierarchical structures with leaders (high priest and priestess). Coven members undergo rigorous training and earn degrees and undergo initiations in order to remain part of the group. Conversely, Solitary Wiccans tend to be more Eclectic in nature because they practice alone. This allows them the freedom to practice Wicca in way that is personally authentic and meaningful.
Well, if you love a lot different types of Witchcraft and want to practice them all, perhaps an Eclectic Witch is what you really are!
I am an Eclectic Witch. This ‘umbrella term’ includes my being a Cosmic, Lunar, Nature, Kitchen, Energy and Angel Witch. Additionally, I also practice yoga and am a reiki master, which I find compliments, energizes and amplifies my overall Witchcraft and magickal practice.
Tell me ‘which Witch’ you are in the comments below.
Which types of Witchcraft do you already practice? Are there any types that you are interested in trying?
I’d also love for you to tell me the types of Witchcraft that you have absolutely no interest in!
Write it all in the comments below. I’d love to know which ones you resonate with and want to pull into your own practice.
Fiona Duncan is the Creatrix of The Magickal Path School of Witchcraft, Tarot & Personal Transformation. She holds a Master of Art in Teaching, a Master of Science in Education, and is New York State certified in both Art and Special Education to teach grades K-12. She is a retired NY State public school teacher and college Graphic Design Instructor & Department Chair. Her professional strengths are Student Relations, Teaching, and Curriculum Development. In her spiritual and magickal life, Fiona is a seasoned Practical Magician, Reiki Master and is a practicing Eclectic Witch of 30+ years. She is not the type to be drawn to witchy ‘woo’, but rather, she practices and teaches Magick and Witchcraft as an empowering spiritual path that is both ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in equal measure.
Fiona’s favorite thing in the world is teaching and coaching new and intermediate witches in her WAY OF THE WITCH: Witchcraft 101 Course & Coaching Program, available in the “1-1 Coaching Program with Fiona” and “Independent ‘Solo’ Study w/Email Support” course options, as well as her course, THE WITCH’S YEAR, also a “1-1 Coaching Program” or “Independent ‘Solo’ Study“
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Definitely Energy Witch, Elemental Witch is there but not developed, Same with the Nature Witch. Nice to know I now have a few names.
Hi Joe,
I think that is why Eclectic Witchcraft calls to you. In this path you are free to pull in any parts of any practices and paths that resonate with you. There are no limitations or biases in the Eclectic path. What is it about Elemental and Nature Witchcraft that interests you? You’ll be learning about the Elements and Natural Witchcraft in Lesson 4 of your Way of the Witch program which will help you to better understand these energies and how to work with them in your own way. 🙂
I am a solo witch that has a hereditary and traditional background. But I’m a earth bound nature loving witch who has no set paths or flavors.
And that’s a beautiful way to be! You are free and roll with whatever calls you. Practicing totally intuitively is a truly authentic way to practice your craft–no labels required! 🙂
Please forgive me, idk how to just leave my own single comment. Maybe I did it right. Nevertheless I am very ⚡ electric. I came here to find out which I was. I was naturally born this way, it came to me. I work within my own beliefs a well. I love the earth, elements, teas, healing, dreaming, what I speak comes to last I could go on and on and on literally.
Iam both crystal and sea witch.
I’m definitely a crystal witch
Hi Fiona
I am drawn to Secular, Cosmic, and Energy with Elemental and Crystal close behind.
I am not interested in Deities, angels, spirit guides, etc.
Thank you
Hi Jean,
Cosmic and energy are both my main practices as well. The beauty of the Eclectic Path is every Witch is free to choose their own paths and practices, which makes it the most authentic of all the wc paths. This authenticy is what makes it so powerful to the individual Witch.
I see you started following us on Instagram a few days ago. Thank you! I checked out your page and started following you as well. Your artwork is beautiful!
Hi Fiona,
Thank you very much I appreciate it. 🙂
Traditional solitary with no set traits. Read and research different types of witches and if I like that type,I will use it in my own way or path
Hi Realm, although you identify as a traditional witch, your way of practicing is very eclectic in nature, meaning you aren’t adhering to ways of doing things or ‘rules’ just because they are there. I think it’s really important to practice in a way that truly resonates with you, and to only do what makes sense to you and what motivates you regardless of which type of practitioner one may identify as. I think practicing intuitively in this way is really powerful. And, it is afterall, your own solitary practice, so of course you should practice in the ways that truly speak to you. 🙂
I identify as an eclectic, fire, storm/weather, and cottage witch! lots of my active spellwork is bound to fire in some way and I love making my home tasks magical. I also have always been very closely linked to thunder and rain storms and use them for powerful cleansing/releasing/intention work. Other weather has different power to me, as do the different times of the day.
Hi Berlin! I see you are very connected to elemental energies, so I’d say ‘Elemental Witch’ is definitely something you could consider yourself. The Elements are up front and center in my own practice, and I am working on balancing these energies within myself. I’m a Taurus with 5 planets in Taurus, so of course, I’m really heavy with Earth energy. But I am beginning to harness Air (wind) in ways I never have before, which I have to say is quite remarkable. Unlike yourself, I still struggle a bit with water. Everytime the moon is in a water sign, a tidal wave of emotions well up and inevitably some shadow work must be done. I’m ok with fire as Leo is my rising sign. I am sure you understand my experiences with the Elements given your own. Thanks for writing, Berlin!
I am brand new to this world. I immediately identified with sea witch, though Id love to explore Cosmic witch as well.
Hi Jen, I totally align with the ‘sea witch’, too. Every year I travel to the Atlantic Ocean along the New York and New England coastline to spend time in and near the water. And as a planetary magician, I am definitely a cosmic witch. You can read more about working with the energies of our solar system here It’s the page for the STELLAR course, but it also explains how these energies work in our magickal practice which is very useful. Thanks for writing! ~Fiona
I feel like I am an Eclectic Witch. I just recently realized that I am a witch. I grew up in the mountains of Colorado and have been making concoctions with the things I found in my surroundings since I was a child. I am drawn to nature, specifically the earth. I have been using essential oils, involved in bio-dynamic farming practices, and using crystals for quite a while. I am drawn to the moon and stars and love astrology but don’t know much about it. I am a vivid dreamer and I have had precognitive dreams on many occasions. I am fascinated by fairies and other natural spirits. I believe in the power of intentions and meditation and recently became yoga teacher. I always thought I was just a hippy. After reading about Hedge Riders I really want to learn more!
Hi Melissa, thanks for posting. Sounds to me like you are a natural born witch, following your intuition to explore the natural energies that we work with in our Craft, your whole life. All the things you practice and are interested in are all elements of Eclectic Witchcraft. In fact, so is yoga. Being an Eclectic means that you bring into your practice any spiritual, magickal and energetic aspects of any religious, magickal and spiritual practices that speak to your soul. You’ve been an ‘Eclectic’ for a long time now, whether you were aware of it or not! 🙂 If you have any other questions or thoughts, email me through the email/contact link at the bottom of the page.
I am kinda new to all this so how to I figure out what type of witch I am or what my strengths are. I think I know what I want to explore, but that does not mean that is my strengths you know?
Hi Leo,
Thanks for posting. To figure out the type of witch you are is easy… What interests you most? That’s the simple answer.
Whatever ‘speaks’ to you is what you are meant to explore, and if it’s truly for you, you will master it. Your inherent strengths, intuition, and higher self will guide you.
So, all you need to do is follow the call of what interests you most and dive in. Explore with an open heart and an open mind and see where it takes you.
As time passes, you will know ‘who’ you are and what your strengths are. Just follow what calls you, be patient with yourself, and do it!
I feel like I am a hedge rider witch because I feel connected to spirits as well as animals but I do not completely cross over/shift to the spirit realm but I rather communicate with spirits in the this realm(non-spiritual realm) so I have been questioning myself a lot recently as to what type of witch I am so I would like to know your personally opinion Fiona D.
Hi Finn, I think that we all cross over into different witchcraft practices all the time, but I also think that we are each more heavily one or two things based on our natural abilities and what we are intuitively drawn to. In this case I’d say you are tapping into psychic mediumship when you are communicating with spirits, and you most certainly are an earth witch in your connection to animals.
What spirits are you communicating with? Ancestors or other deceased people? If so, that is mediumship. If you are communicating with other spiritual beings such as elemental, angels or spirit guides, you are are using a psychic ability. Note that mediumship is a psychic ability, but not all psychics are mediums. What if you simply identify as ‘psychic witch’? How does that feel?
To be honest, reading through this list I identify in several categories, which I suppose makes me eclectic. When I was young (through childhood and into early adulthood) I was a hedge witch as I was very in tune with the spiritual world, astral projection etc. (and at times felt like a medium).I had no control over what I was channeling and I broke away from that path after some really terrifying experience that I did not know how to handle but am now trying to reconnect with the spiritual world.
Oh I hear you! The same happened to me when I was young and caused me to shut that part of myself right down. Now, many years later, I, too, am working on opening it back up with the maturity and knowledge I know possess. Keep at it. In time, your gifts will reopen to you. And yes, most people do identify as several types of witch, and we only do so not so much as to label any particular practice, but to describe them, and therefore, how we practice our craft.
I seem to be a kitchen/hearth witch the most by innate ability and by most practice; lunar, as described, could probably encapsulate us all because of the immense impact the moon has on us all in various capacies but I still feel a deeper connection to that practice than a general one. I would love to get into more energy work, personally.
Hi Brandy, you are right in wanting to get more into energy work. Energy is everything. A grossly oversimplified statement, I know, but it’s the best way to describe it. If you’d like to learn more about how I teach energy work as part of a witchcraft and altar work practice in my 101 program, let me know. Just shoot me an email through the link below. Oh, and I identify as a kitchen and hearth witch, too. I feel so blessed to be able to work from home, inside my sacred space, and close to the things I love.
hihihi eclectic chaos witch here!
energy, cosmic, dream, and elemental practice has claimed me. chaos magic runs in my family and has driven women crazy bc they refused to work with it. i’ve seen it first hand, especially with my mom. i’m the first female in my modern family that i know of that embraces the practice. i use crystals, wards, herbs, intent driven spells, tea work, and yoga for energy practice. i transmute healing energy to others through shared space, physical touch, and dreams, have disney princess connections with animals (the stories i could tell you!), and i am able to ascend to a higher plane when reading tarot in a way that creeps everyone out with crazy accuracy. i have potential for hedge riding but i’m very cautious to explore as my chaos magic is so potent and takes a lot of control to keep within bounds that don’t harm others.
Just starting to get back into the craft, and I’d say I’m closest to Energy and Fire Witch with my own practice, but now I’m thinking I may need to look into Dream witchcraft. I’ve had these precognitive dreams for as long as I can remember growing up, usually just brief glimpses I’d forget about until they actually happened and I’d immediately recognize “oh, I’ve been here before.” Maybe I can try and get some explanation or understanding of it. Thank you so much for this list in any case!
Hi Shelby, you are so welcome! I am so happy this post helped you, and yes, if your dreams are beginning to speak to you, listen! Sometimes they are messages from spirit, our spirit guides or ancestors, other times our dreams are the only way our higher self can get through to our busy minds.
Cosmic/Star Witch for sure. There are interests in Energy and maybe some talent for Dream, but Cosmic/Star resonates so clearly. The only one that I read where I instantly thought “that’s the one.”
Me too, Allie! As a planetary magician, I definitely align with Cosmic Witch myself. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I’m eclectic with tones of ancestral, water, kitchen, familial and hedge rider. I’d like to explore my gifts further and live more fully in the craft. I feel as if I’m untapped.
Hey there!! I love all of the information you have shared here; very insightful. After reading through all of the descriptions, I feel like I’ve inadvertently been doing things that fall in each of these types: Eclectic, ancestral, crystal witch, hedge rider, elemental – [earth, water (creek), air (birds)], energy (?), green witch, kitchen witch, and hereditary. They help me to do my work, whether it’s others or myself.
I am interested in learning more about Cosmic, dream, and poison path (these, within reason, are beneficial).
I was not very interested in the angel witch, although it does sound interesting.
Hello, Marchelle. Apologies for the terribly late reply. Thank you so much for the appreciation. I am very glad the information in this post helped you so much. And yes, of course you’ve been doing many of the practices mentioned in this post. Witchcraft is rarely ever one pure path or way of doing things because what in life is this way? Witchcraft IS life and encompasses every aspect of it. Therefore, the different aspects of our witchcraft practice support the different parts of our lives. Re: the angel witch, a lot of witches aren’t aware that working with angels dates back to pagan Babylonia more than 5,000 years ago, way before the later patriarchal religions began to include angels in their belief systems. We pagans have been in relationship with the angels for thousands of years. Thanks again for your post. 🙂
I’m not really sure I’m drawn to the green witch ;I love being in my herb and flower beds.i use alot of what I grow for teas, cooking,oils, cough syrup, I’m also drawn to the sea witch
I love the ocean I can be at the beach all day listening to waves and picking up different things shells drift wood anything unusual..I love listening to the waves and the smell of the salt in the air I’m attracted to the dolphins alot. I love being outside in woods creekside around the trees.. watching different birds and listening to their songs. I love nature , animals. water I’m Aquarius I’m irish,mother and grandmother came from Ireland. My grandmother they said was born with a veil… But I’m that person who what ever phase of the moon is I say look at the moon I’m memorized it and could stare at it for days.i I have very good intuition.I feel something it’s usually right.i see things out of the corner of my eyes (shadows) I feel things spiritually and can tell if it’s good or all and All I’m not sure what kind of witch I am!! I love storms the thunder and lightning the smell of the rain..alot of different things I’m not sure please help Blessed Be..
Hello Pamela! Well I’d say you are the epitome of Eclectic Witchcraft! Your varied interests and strengths are proof of this. I think to a certain extent we all are, because which of us only practices one pure linear way? We are each drawn to what interests us, like you with your herbs and flowers, deep connection to nature and using your natural intuition. You are a witch of each of these paths and because of this, the sum total of your practice is greater and richer than if you only practiced one singular path.
I am definitely ecletic. Some of my practice is in the kitchen sphere and the energy area, also with the elements and the Wheel of the Year; some of it also includes spiritual beings, it all depends on the situation. But my heart is up in the cosmos; it has been all my life I think. I first latched onto astronomy as a child, then astrology in my teens, and my interest in both has never waned in all these decades (I am now a senior citizen).
Hello Jeanne. I am right there with you, up there in the Cosmos! I am captivated by the stars and in my witchcraft practice, the love of all things sun, moon and stars has been expressed through my planetary magick practice as well as my interest in astrology. We are actually quite alike in our varied witchcraft interests! Thank you for posting. 🙂
I didn’t mention divination; aside from astrology, that’s another huge interest of mine: Tarot, other card systems, palmistry, runes (learned from a hereditary-Norse friend). Another way in which I’m so eclectic!
Kitchen and Green Witch described me the best. Although I have a strong connection to my ancestors. I often talk to deceased loved ones in my dreams and feel a strong connection to my Celtic ancestors. I’m interested in learning more about teas and tea leaf reading.
Hi Noelle! I think pulling tea-craft and tea leaf reading into your practice is a perfect and natural progression in your witchcraft journey. Doing so will strengthen your current green witchery and ancestral practices.
I am definitely an eclectic witch i starred a journey of spiritual and self discovery this year and I am feeling things that I have never felt. The incessant need to help people and research ever natural remedy I can to help. I believe 1,000% in the healing power of mother earth. I feel people’s emotions so strong it’s as if it happend to me whatever the circumstances I feel it. I love meditation and wanting to unlock the secrets the earth holds. I strongly believe in chakra healing and so manybother things and this power inside me I can feel like a volcano getting ready to burst. It’s so empowering.
Jen, your enthusiasm is wonderful! I wish you many blessings as your witchcraft journey continues to unfold.
I’ve always known I am an eclectic witch. I’ve tapped into every aspect since I was young. I’m proud we are coming out as strong as we are. I still have so much to learn, unfortunately I was told it was devils work when I was young and believe my Magick was binded.
Hi Mechia. I really hope you do not believe that. No one has the power to do this to you. If you saw this on tv or in a movie, please forget it and release that belief. If another person told you this, know that they do not know what they are talking about. It’s really way too much to explain here, but the bottom line is that your magick is born of the energy that gives you life, and it cannot be controlled by anyone other than yourself. Only when you die is your magick no longer viable because its source, which is your spirit, returns to the Divine. So please, invest in yourself and your magickal ability, and know that you are powerful (or can learn to be).
I have always been a nature girl. Friendly when forced but prefer quiet solitude. I love to plant things and nurture them and use parts of them in spells. Flowers make my life happy. I sing to my plants. I love mixing oils with my herbs to make potions. I love to use incenses and oils with a stone to make charms, amulets, crystals, talismans and give them to people to use. So far not one person has rejected me here in the Bible belt. I tread carefully doing as I will, harming none. I am many things. I think of myself in many ways. An oracle/seer, a clair, a goddess, a green-eclectic-earth-nature-ancestral-elemental witch.
I do not know what to call myself except a part of the great source. The I Am. Maybe you can help me not be so all over the map 🙂
Hello, Elle. I love that you sing to your plants. I love my own plants, and tell them so as I gently rub their leaves as I past by them or when it’s watering day. I think that ‘feeding’ them with this energy is just as vital to their health and vitality as watering them and as giving them the right sunlight.
We are all many things in our own unique witchcraft practices and that is why I think we are all truly Eclectic, whether we realize it or whether we identify with that term or not.
Please tell me more about how you are ‘all over the map’ and what you feel you need more of or less of. I’m happy to help. 🙂
I am a solitary wiccan witch. I am also an eclectic, crystal, green and tea witch.
Hi Anita! That’s wonderful. You have a lovely practice and are definitely an Eclectic because of your varied interests. 🙂
I would probably be called an eclectic witch even though I don’t think of myself as such. I think I see it more as polyvalence. The same way I speak multiple languages but most of the time, not all at once.
For me eclectic witch could simply stand for witch. Just like a scientist can have one or more predominant fields of expertise, it is most likely they also have broader knowledge beyond these areas, and rely on/apply these if or when, depending what the situation asks for.
I saw one of your replies to a different comment that basically says the same thing, we’re all a bit eclectic, whether we really call it like that or not. I draw from different aspects of magic when practicing, but it’s always driven by the Wiccan redes. “As long as you harm none…” and “You reap what you sow/The rule of 3”. So if anything, I try to be a white witch when practicing. Yet I am one and I am all.
Exactly, and well said, Artemis. I agree with you completely. In my own practice, I draw from different aspects to accomplish a magickal task and to make my practice uniquely my own–that is where real power lies. I am not Wiccan so do not follow the Wiccan rede, however, my personal beliefs align with it. No hexing. No cursing. That’s very bad juju and just not healthy for the caster.
I would have to say that my first pull is Hereditary. I have always just known things and had a way with weaving words. It wasn’t until in my fifties that I had my DNA done and found that I am descended from Alse Young in Connecticut that I started to explore the way I naturally put words and phrases together and my rock obsession. Then it all suddenly made sense.
Hi Fiona,
I’ve been looking for the right word that fits me and it’s definitely Eclectic. I’m draw to all types and identify with each one. Where I feel most comfortable and fulfilled is in any type of healing roll. I suppose that’s why I’m going to school for an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma. I just started this new journey with school but I literally want to know everything about witchcraft. I appreciate it, respect it, fascinated by it, and am thankful for my abilities even though it’s a weird little life sometimes lol!
Hi Sarah! Healing and witchcraft go hand in hand! You are on a beautiful, amazing path. I wish you magickal blessings and much success on it.
I would say I’m an eclectic witch. Hereditary, Kitchen, Green Witch. I have a strong family of witches (even if they didn’t know it they practiced Appalachian witchcraft but didn’t call it that).
Hi Shilo! Magick in those mountains is strong! Even if folks who are practicing don’t realize what they are doing, magick and witchcraft IS what they are doing. My grandmother was ‘right off the boat’ as they say from Italy. She’d NEVER identify as a witch and yet she did all kinds of witchy folk magick and healing. I totally relate with you and your family in that regard. 🙂
Hmmm…I’d say Eclectic, though I feel a bit like a fraud, ’cause I’m not serious enough, mostly due to lack of time, I think. Nature/green/crystal appeal to me, lunar, kitchen/hearth, and energy, are all things I have interest in, and I know I have a bit of foresight, so there’s that, too. And secular. I’ve got too much science rattling around in my head. Yet, those crystals and the moon call…
As to what I’m not interested in, probably angel, ancestral, hedge rider, poison path. Probably not hereditary, since I’m from a highly Christian family, lol! Although my sister has definitely shifted. I’d call her a Christian witch. Still believes in God, but she also avidly practices reiki and crystal and herbal healing. Personally, I wanna have a massive herbal garden this summer.
I would also say that I’m solitary, because I’m not one for strict structure…that isn’t my own structure. My girls are like me, in that they’re fond of all things nature and animals, and have that connection.
Hey, KC! Well, crystals and the moon ARE science! Everything is science because everything is energy. Our universe is nothing but energy. Everything on earth is nothing but energy. Witchcraft and magick are simply the art and ‘science’ of manipulating these energies in order to make our life a little better in the hear and now. You do sound like a solitary eclectic to me, and that is exactly how I teach people to practice when they work with me in one of my courses. I also love how your family have ‘witchy’ interests, even though they may not realize it, and it’s ok for your witchy sister not to throw Jesus out with the bath water. Christ Consciousness and his message when he was alive have nothing to do with the harmful human construct that the Christian religion was throughout history and continues to be. Go ahead and enjoy your crystals and the moon!
Definitely an eclectic and I practice or lean to what I feel at the moment. I’ve always been at piece, and drawn to nature all of it, plants, water, animals, crystals, and on and on. But I have always been able to pick up on others feelings and energy. I can usually calm others who are scared or nervous or any overwhelming feelings they are having. I make my own natural medications, I hunt and collect crystals and other stones, and I love helping animals. But I also have had dreams that have predicted things to come. Love working wood, and have had interactions with angels and spirits of those who have passed. I’m very aware of my surroundings. I know I have so much more to learn but I’ve known even before I knew what it was, that I had something inside me that not everyone has. I live in a rural area so I’ve never studied with anyone else. I just do my research and do allot of reading and listening to what I’m telling myself by what I’m feeling, thinking, needing, or picking up on. Sometimes i feel like if like to study and learn from someone who has a better grasp on it all, but I don’t let the fact that I have not had the opportunity so me from moving forward and learning what I can. I would like you to know that I’ve really enjoyed and have been drawn into your word, and I think you are wonderful for doing what you do.
Linda, thank you so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. You are very fortunate to live in a rural area and be so close to nature where you can experience your gifts. Based on what you’ve said here, I think you are very astute, and have a natural affinity for connecting with the natural world, practicing your Craft authentically and intuitively. If you ever do want to learn more with a teacher, Way of the Witch is the program I through which I personally teach and coach my students. And if you have questions about it, please ask me through that link. Thanks for writing, Linda. Magickal blessings to you. ~Fiona
I have been pagan since 1967, Wiccan since about 1970. I’ve trained with Druids, Kitchen Witches, Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Green., Reiki and now am mostly Eclectic. I’m drawn to the positive aspects of both practice and faith and really have no interest in any path that seeks to harm. I take “harm none” very seriously, although I’m not above protection spells that allows harmful intent to boomerang back onto the sender. I’m also a licensed minister and have conducted weddings, handfastings, public ritual and a funeral. Member of my immediate family are very empathetic and several are quite psychic. I have had prophetic dreams mosI if not all of my life. I have had cats as my partners and friends for the last 25 years or so. Some of my misguided “Christian” neighbors have taken a stand against me, but I continue on my path of harming none. My best friend is an Evangelical Christian but we respect each other’s faith if not our political stance. On that point we’ve agreed to disagree, LOL. Ms. Duncan, you are doing good work in Education and promoting a positive attitude towards our faiths and practices. Blessings to you and yours. I’m getting old and not practicing as much as I used to, but my spirituality and curiosity remains as my current life winds down and I look forward to the next chapter of my existence. My feline friends Salem and Binx send their love and respect as well.
Dear Onatah, as the wise elder and crone that you are, I am both grateful and humbled by your kind words. They are deeply appreciated and remind me why I choose to do this work. It’s also wonderful to hear from a witch with so many decades of experience. The fact that you chose to post here means a lot. And thank you for sharing a bit about your journey in the Craft. I find it truly interesting, and praise you for your resolve about ‘harming none’. Unfortunately, those who choose to engage in the dark arts ruin it for the rest of us, as it causes the misinformed general population to throw us all into the same pot–people who hex and curse. This is a huge part of the problem as to why we remained marginalized, on the fringes, and totally misunderstood. Hugs to you and your magickal feline friends, Salem and Binx.